To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.
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The Committee received the following questions and petitions from members of the public, in attendance at the meeting.
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Petition requesting the number 5 bus service not be terminated.
Fatima Own raised the importance of the bus service on the difficulty it would cause to local residents if the service was to be terminated.
The Chair explained that bus operators had informed the Council that they were terminating the service as they were unable to make enough money from this service. It was added that that the responsibility for bus services lied with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and The Mayor, Oliver Coppard, is working to urgently address these issues, with a view to improved public control of transport.
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Petition requesting the Council protected residents from anti-social behaviour
Ahmed Dualeh informed the Committee of the anti-social behaviour that had been occurring in the Carbrook area.
The Chair apologised for the horrendous experience that this family had to endure. The Chair added that she was aware that this situation was currently been investigated by the Police. The Chair advised that the petitioner discussed the issue privately with local councillors and the relevant services in attendance after the closure of the meeting.
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Mike Barnfield
It was mentioned that the North East Community Plan had little mention of how private landlords had a devastating effect on the community. It was added that Selective Licensing was also a total failure. Therefore, what strategic actions does the LAC intend to take.
The Chair explained there was a Council service which worked with private landlords although this was a city-wide issue and will be referred to the relevant Policy Committee.
Councillor Mark Jones added that part of the issue was around the lack of funding to regulate the private sector.
RESOLVED: that the issue around private landlords and selective licensing, as mentioned above, be referred to the Housing Policy Committee.
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John Brooks
Can the LAC explain the difference between rewilding and total neglect. Especially on land that belonged to housing.
The Chair explained there was a Housing Manager present at the meeting who could advise on the policy and on what is happening on specific pieces of housing land
Claire Lane mentioned that the agreement with parks service withing the council had not changed. Therefore, the current arrangements will continue. It was explained that there does not need to be TARA in place to do something.
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Mick Daniels
Was there anything the Council could do to ensure that children could participate in local activities even if they were not on a free school meal allowance.
The Chair agreed this was stigmatising for families. It was mentioned that some community partners that facilitate these local activities cannot afford to make all their activities open to all children. The Chair stated that the Council would continue to feedback their concerns to the Government on this.
Councillor Dawn Dale mentioned that she was involved in a piece of work that raised funding for children who are not on free school meals. Funding also needed to be available to support families through all school half terms. Not just the summer holidays. Councillor Dale added that she would feedback this issue to the Strategy & Resources Policy Committee.