Report of the Director of Legal and Governance.
7.1 |
The Economic Strategy Manager presented the Work Programme and drew Members attention to the Pride in Sheffield item referred from Full Council, along with the response provided by the Equalities and Engagement Team.
7.2 |
Councillor Turpin noted that there was no mention of a Green Job Strategy within the Work Programme and requested that it be added. A discussion took place regarding cost of living and business recovery which would be the focus of the November meeting of the Committee.
7.3 |
1. the Committee’s work programme, as set out in Appendix 1 be agreed, including any additions and amendments identified in Part 1;
2. consideration be given to the further additions or adjustments to the work programme presented at Part 2 of Appendix 1;
3. Members give consideration to any further issues to be explored by officers for inclusion in Part 2 of Appendix 1 of the next work programme report, for potential addition to the work programme; and
4. the referrals from Council (petition and resolutions) detailed in Section 2 of the report be noted and the proposed responses set out, be agreed.
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