Report of Executive Director, Operational Services
To seek approval for the adoption of the Sheffield City Council Playing Pitch Strategy 2022. This Strategy focusses on the supply and demand for playing pitches within the city and provides general and sport specific recommendations and actions The Strategy was undertaken by independent consultants and uses the methodology prescribed by Sport England. |
9.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-
1. Approve the adoption of the Playing Pitch Strategy for Sheffield as set out in this report.
9.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
9.3.1 |
The Playing Pitch Strategy for Sheffield provides a framework for improvement and, although resources may not currently be in place to implement it, partners and possible sources of external funding have been identified. Collaborative working, strong partnerships, and good local governance will be critical towards achieving strategic potential and future successes ahead.
9.3.2 |
The Playing Pitch Strategy needs to be formally adopted by Sheffield City Council to provide the framework and inform the City’s future priorities in conjunction with Sport England and the sports NGB’s. By adopting this strategy, we can start to engage with a range of stakeholders to consider delivering key projects across Sheffield. These projects will align with local need and demand, therefore supporting effective and efficient use of resources.
9.3.3 |
In moving forward, we need to be realistic about what is achievable, and who is best placed to deliver on the key aspects of the Strategy. The council will remain accountable for the delivery of the Playing Pitch Strategy and the Action Plan and providing expertise to seek resources to support that delivery.
9.3.4 |
The Council will engage with partners to discuss the Playing Pitch Strategy action plan and how projects can be developed. The Strategy will be used to provide a robust evidence base to aid decision making in respect of future provision and management of grass pitches and built sports provision. The Steering Group will continue to meet, to ensure the delivery and implementation of the Playing Pitch Strategy recommendations and actions, as well as ensuring the evidence and data remain up to date.
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
9.4.1 |
The alternative option is to not adopt the Playing Pitch Strategy. This option is not recommended due to the following risks:
There is a risk that without an adopted strategy the council would
be unable to negotiate effectively with developers where proposals
have an impact on the provision of open space, sport and recreation facilities ·
There is a risk that without an adopted strategy Sport England and
the Sport’s Governing Bodies will not consider applications
for external funding from the council or from any sports club
within the city, and additionally if not kept up to date it would
not be considered an up-to-date robust assessment needed to inform
planning decisions. |
Project Officer presented the report which sought approval for the
adoption of the Sheffield City Council Playing Pitch Strategy 2022.
This Strategy focusses on the supply and demand for playing pitches
within the city and provides general and sport specific
recommendations and actions The Strategy was undertaken by
independent consultants and uses the methodology prescribed by
Sport England. |
8.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-
1. Approve the adoption of the Playing Pitch Strategy for Sheffield as set out in this report.
8.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
8.3.1 |
The Playing Pitch Strategy for Sheffield provides a framework for improvement and, although resources may not currently be in place to implement it, partners and possible sources of external funding have been identified. Collaborative working, strong partnerships, and good local governance will be critical towards achieving strategic potential and future successes ahead.
8.3.2 |
The Playing Pitch Strategy needs to be formally adopted by Sheffield City Council to provide the framework and inform the City’s future priorities in conjunction with Sport England and the sports NGB’s. By adopting this strategy, we can start to engage with a range of stakeholders to consider delivering key projects across Sheffield. These projects will align with local need and demand, therefore supporting effective and efficient use of resources.
8.3.3 |
In moving forward, we need to be realistic about what is achievable, and who is best placed to deliver on the key aspects of the Strategy. The council will remain accountable for the delivery of the Playing Pitch Strategy and the Action Plan and providing expertise to seek resources to support that delivery.
8.3.4 |
The Council will engage with partners to discuss the Playing Pitch Strategy action plan and how projects can be developed. The Strategy will be used to provide a robust evidence base to aid decision making in respect of future provision and management of grass pitches and built sports provision. The Steering Group will continue to meet, to ensure the delivery and implementation of the Playing Pitch Strategy recommendations and actions, as well as ensuring the evidence and data remain up to date.
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
8.4.1 |
The alternative option is to not adopt the Playing Pitch Strategy. This option is not recommended due to the following risks:
There is a risk that without an adopted strategy the council would
be unable to negotiate effectively with developers where proposals
have an impact on the provision of open space, sport and recreation
facilities ·
There is a risk that without an adopted strategy Sport England and
the Sport’s Governing Bodies will not consider applications
for external funding from the council or from any sports club
within the city, and additionally if not kept up to date it would
not be considered an up-to-date robust assessment needed to inform
planning decisions. |
Supporting documents: