Report of the Director of Legal and Governance.
10.1 |
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Legal and Governance that outlined the work programme for the remainder of the municipal year. Members were asked to identify any further items for inclusion.
10.2 |
The Committee agreed to cancel the next meeting of the Committee, on the 20 October 2022, as there were no items for consideration. In replace of this meeting, a closed meeting with Members of the Committee and External Auditors would be held online.
10.3 |
The Committee agreed to include a report on the work programme, as mentioned at 9.10 of these minutes.
10.4 |
The Committee agreed to move the following reports form the 17 November 2022 meeting, to the January 2023 meeting.
10.5 |
RESOLVED: - That (1) the work programme be noted; (2) that a closed meeting be held online, for Members of the Committee and external auditors; (3) that a report be included on the work programme for March 2023; and (4) that 2 reports be moved from November 2022 to January 2023.
Supporting documents: