Agenda item

Budget Proposals 2023/24

Report of the Director of Children’s Services







The Committee considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services. It set out the budget pressures and risks facing the services which fell under the Education, Children and Families committee area, and began to develop a budget action plan to mitigate these as far as possible. It provided recommendations for approval which would allow the service to contribute to Sheffield City Council’s budget pressure.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Education, Children and Families Policy Committee: -


  • Note the financial pressures 2023/24 detailed within this report.
  • Acknowledge the recommendation approved at the Strategy and Resources Committee on 5 July 2022 that “Policy Committees will be asked to develop savings / additional income options that cover their own pressures – in effect cash standstill” and to “require Policy Committees to report at their meetings in September on how they can balance their budgets.”
  • Note, as this Committee's initial response to the Strategy and Resources Committee's request, the set of budget proposals set out in this report and in appendix 1.
  • Note that Officers will now work with Members to consult with relevant stakeholders (including with partners, trades unions and in respect of equalities and climate change) on the proposals in this report so as to inform final budget proposals.
  • Note that Officers will work to develop any necessary detailed implementation plans for the proposals in this report so that the proposals, if ultimately approved, can be implemented as planned before or during the 2023/24 financial year.
  • Ask to receive a further report in November that will set out the final budget for this Committee following consultation and any adjustments requested by the Strategy and Resources Committee.






Reasons for Decision


The recommendations put forward in this paper and appendix 1 are recommended for approval on the basis that they : -


  • Are consistent with our agreed approach to demand management, sufficiency, and meeting our obligations to provide quality statutory services which meet the needs of the child or young person
  • Are consistent with our vision/strategy to provide services and opportunities which support each child and young person within Sheffield to meet their potential.
  • Support the ongoing improvement of Education, Children and Family services in Sheffield
  • Are guided by an evidence base, benchmarking and/ or trend data which identifies areas of spend where disinvestment, subject to individual review, can most likely be made without detriment
  • Enable the Council to continue to meet its legal duties.









Alternatives Considered and Rejected



Do nothing - By undertaking none of the proposed actions, we would be unable to contribute to delivering a balanced budget.




The Committee considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services. It set out the budget pressures and risks facing the services which fell under the Education, Children and Families committee area, and began to develop a budget action plan to mitigate these as far as possible. It provided recommendations for approval which would allow the service to contribute to Sheffield City Council’s budget pressure. The introduction to the report was provided in open session. When Appendix 1 was discussed the Policy Committee the meeting was closed to the public, press and attendees, as outlined in item 3 – Exclusion of Press and Public.





RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Education, Children and Families Policy Committee: -


·   Note the financial pressures 2023/24 detailed within this report.

·   Acknowledge the recommendation approved at the Strategy and Resources Committee on 5 July 2022 that “Policy Committees will be asked to develop savings / additional income options that cover their own pressures – in effect cash standstill” and to “require Policy Committees to report at their meetings in September on how they can balance their budgets.”

·   Note, as this Committee's initial response to the Strategy and Resources Committee's request, the set of budget proposals set out in this report and in appendix 1.

·   Note that Officers will now work with Members to consult with relevant stakeholders (including with partners, trades unions and in respect of equalities and climate change) on the proposals in this report so as to inform final budget proposals.

·   Note that Officers will work to develop any necessary detailed implementation plans for the proposals in this report so that the proposals, if ultimately approved, can be implemented as planned before or during the 2023/24 financial year.

Ask to receive a further report in November that will set out the final budget for this Committee following consultation and any adjustments requested by the Strategy and Resources Committee.




Reasons for Decision


The recommendations put forward in this paper and appendix 1 are recommended for approval on the basis that they : -


·   Are consistent with our agreed approach to demand management, sufficiency, and meeting our obligations to provide quality statutory services which meet the needs of the child or young person

·   Are consistent with our vision/strategy to provide services and opportunities which support each child and young person within Sheffield to meet their potential.

·   Support the ongoing improvement of Education, Children and Family services in Sheffield

·   Are guided by an evidence base, benchmarking and/ or trend data which identifies areas of spend where disinvestment, subject to individual review, can most likely be made without detriment

Enable the Council to continue to meet its legal duties.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Do nothing - By undertaking none of the proposed actions, we would be unable to contribute to delivering a balanced budget.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services. It set out the budget pressures and risks facing the services which fell under the Education, Children and Families committee area, and began to develop a budget action plan to mitigate these as far as possible. It provided recommendations for approval which would allow the service to contribute to Sheffield City Council’s budget pressure. The introduction to the report was provided in open session. When Appendix 1 was discussed the Policy Committee the meeting was closed to the public, press and attendees, as outlined in item 3 – Exclusion of Press and Public.





Supporting documents: