Report of the Director of Public Health, SCC
5.1 |
Greg Fell briefing introduced the paper. He stated that the purpose of the paper was to define the role of the board within the wider city strategy. Adele Robinson, Equalities Engagement Officer, stated she had been supporting the Race Equality Commission for four years. She said that racism impacted on the health and wellbeing of many communities. She stated that she felt whole city action was essential. |
5.2 |
Judy Robinson stated she supported the ideas and findings of the report. She asked whether there was detail available around specific issues, such as the experience of black women accessing maternity services. Shahida Siddique, Chief Executive of Faith Star and commissioner on the Race Equality Commission, responded to the question. She stated that there had been aspects of research carried out around access to maternity services. She said there was work which needed to be done to join up these efforts. |
5.3 |
Councillor Johnson asked whether work being carried out by different organisations was being reviewed as a whole. Shahida Siddique agreed that this work should be carried out, and she added that timelines and deadlines be given to this work. |
5.4 |
Greg Fell suggested that a longer discussion take place on the item to create actions. He agreed to organise this event. Councillor Argenzio asked that a timeline be provided to ensure the work would be carried out. She suggested that a timeline also be created to increase diversity on the board. Dan Spicer stated this issue could be raised again during the discussion of the Terms of Reference. |
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