Report of the Director of Public Health, SCC
6.1 |
Greg Fell presented a report which reflected on the learning from community engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dan Spicer provided context to the report for the board. He stated that trust and understanding between the public and health services had been addressed in the report. |
6.2 |
Sarah Hepworth, Public Health Principal, gave a presentation on the work carried out. Colin Havard, Community Development Coordinator, stated that the aim was to move the project to an ongoing programme. |
6.3 |
Shahida Siddique, Chief Executive spoke about initial responses to COVID within BAME communities. |
6.4 |
Sandie Buchan encouraged a sustainable, longer-term model of engagement. Dan Spicer agreed that every public service had an interest in prioritising engagement. |
6.5 |
Greg Fell stated that there were resourcing issues and ‘ways of working’ issues to address. He said the learning around covering areas which did not routinely access services could assist primary care. |
6.6 |
Alexis Chappell thanked authors for the report and endorsed and supported the recommendations. |
6.7 |
AGREED that the Health and Wellbeing Board:
· Provide feedback on the approach and operation of the Summit to feed into future work · Agree to establish a time-limited task and finish group to identify appropriate resource to drive progress in this area · Agree to receive a report from this group setting out how a programme of work based on (not limited to) the recommendations in the summary report will be established. |
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