Agenda item

Notice of Motion Concerning Equal Marriage


That this Council:-




(a)       congratulates the organisers of Sheffield Pride for a very successful festival that brought our City together in a celebration of diversity and togetherness;




(b)       recognises the equal rights of all people and supports the campaign for Equal Marriage and calls upon the Government to support legislation to enable this at the earliest possible opportunity; and




(c)        seeks to secure marriage for gay people as a civil vehicle on the same basis as heterosexual marriage, available in a registry office and approved premises.




RESOLVED:  On the Motion of Councillor Neale Gibson, seconded by Councillor Nikki Bond, that this Council:-




(a)       congratulates the organisers of Sheffield Pride for a very successful festival that brought our City together in a celebration of diversity and togetherness;




(b)       recognises the equal rights of all people and supports the campaign for Equal Marriage and calls upon the Government to support legislation to enable this at the earliest possible opportunity; and




(c)        seeks to secure marriage for gay people as a civil vehicle on the same basis as heterosexual marriage, available in a registry office and approved premises.