To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.
5.1 |
Leroy Wenham on behalf of Sheffield Caribbean Sports Club, Ecclesfield
Leroy was pleased to announce that the club had been awarded a pot from the ‘Tree of Trees’ sculpture that had been part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. He hoped for the ongoing support of the Council and asked if the next North Local Area Committee meeting could include a presentation to acknowledge the award.
The Chair responded by noting Councillor support to date and said that representatives from the club would be very welcome at a future North Local Area Committee meeting. The next one was due to take place in the Stannington ward, and the following one would be in the West Ecclesfield ward.
Councillor Bowden noted that she had attended the planting event and was familiar with some of the club’s expansion plans.
Mr Wenham explained that the facility was well used and advised that they hoped to develop a proper pavilion that could be used by local people.
Councillor Baker wished to congratulate the club on their achievements.
5.2 |
L Cocker
The Chair read out a question from L Cocker who was not in attendance at the meeting:
I am unable to attend this meeting but would like the following questions to be raised and answered.
I noticed a speed detection device in Ecclesfield. On which dates will this device be active, and when and where will the results of the data be available to residents?
Also, how will the North LAC make use of these results to ensure it is a viable operation?
In response the Chair noted that the North Local Area Committee had been allocated one vehicle activated sign per ward, which had initially been placed in areas of most benefit. These would be rotated around the wards every 6 to 8 weeks, at 24 locations in total.
The devices notified drivers of their speed and also gathered data about speed at that location. They were active from when they were sited until being removed. Information regarding speed and traffic volume would be obtained and acted on where possible. A full response would be provided for the questioner.
5.3 |
Tim Whitaker, Ecclesfield Parish Council
Tim provided an update on recent activities, which included a school uniform ‘swap shop’. This had happened in previous years, and since July this year 567 items had been handed out to schools. Some uniform had also been donated to asylum seekers residing at Staindrop Lodge.
Tim also advised that a community skip day had been held at Angram Bank. This was a large walk-in skip and volunteers had assisted in carrying large items with residents. A further event was being planned for Chapeltown.
A gardening competition was also underway. This had been halted during the pandemic but was reinstated in 2021. Awards were due to be presented at the meeting of the parish council on Wednesday 6 October 2022.
The community room refurbishment was almost finished, which included a new kitchen and was wheelchair accessible. A McMillan coffee morning had been organised which had brought regular users back and was hoped to encourage further use.
Four information posts had been installed around the parish which showed information on local walks of interest and was hoped to encourage people into exercise.
The parish council had worked alongside Chapeltown Community Hub to deliver isolation hampers to vulnerable residents.
New notice boards showing local information had been installed around the parish, to replace damaged one.
The parish council had hosted a tip to Chatsworth House for some Ukrainian residents.
5.4 |
David Ogle, Ecclesfield Parish Council
David provided an update on the plans for a community boxing gym. Plans had been going through the planning process and it was hoped that a decision would be reached before Christmas. If permitted, it was hoped that the community gym could provide a local resource that would help to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
David advised that the parish council had agreed to part fund a motor cross project that also aimed to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. Funding applications had been made and David asked that anyone with any information about funding pots relating to crime and anti-social behaviour contact him via the parish council. |
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