Verbal update of the Community Service Manager, Jayne Foulds, and members of the South East Local Area Committee.
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Jayne Foulds, South East Local Area Manager, gave a verbal update on the Community Plan for the south east area. |
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She referred to the workshop sessions that had been held and the three main concerns identified at those sessions being transport and highways, community safety and crime. She said that six local schools were involved in the good parking schemes, working with pupils. A speed review had been carried out in an attempt to tackle speeding vehicles and Active Travel was included within the Community Plan. She said that work was ongoing regarding urban accessibility onto estates and community facilities that were available. Jayne Foulds said that there was a need to tackle social isolation which had increased during covid and had resulted in some people being afraid to leave their homes, particularly if they saw young people hanging around on street corners. Work was ongoing with the Woodhouse Forum and each Ward should see an increase in Mother and toddler groups across the 4 wards. She reported that the police were tackling offroad biking and have set up a poster campaign. Finally, work was being carried out to try to engage more with those under the age of 30 to be become more involved within their community. |
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Councillor Tony Downing gave an update on the Mosborough Speeding Review, stating that a meeting had been held with the Residents Panel in June, 2022. He said the meeting had been attended by local Councillors, Clive Betts, MP, Alan Billings, the Police and Crime Commissioner and Highways officers. He said it had been agreed that highways officers would undertake a speed survey in the locations identified and work on this was currently being undertaken. Councillor Downing said that another Residents Panel was due to be held at the end of October/early November to provide an update on the actions agreed at the previous meeting and to discuss option identified by highways officers from the speeding review, Finally, speed reviews for the Birley, Woodhouse and Beighton Wards were to be launched in November. |
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Councillor Tony Downing said that a speed gun and officers were I the process of setting up sessions at locations identified with local Councillors in each Ward. He said these sessions had started in all Wards and the police had issued warning letters and offenders had been reported to the Safer Camera Partnership. Councillor Downing said that each Ward had been allocated a new Vehicle Activation Sign (VAS). He said each Councillor had been asked to identify hotspot areas for the VAS to be placed and the VAS would be rotated round each Ward every six to eight weeks. Data would be collected from the VAS to identify times, numbers of vehicles etc., which would allow work to be carried out with other agencies to target areas at relevant times. |
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Finally, Councillor Downing said that Ward Councillors were looking to see where they could encourage and develop of active travel and had set up a meeting with the Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Team to progress this further. |
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Councillor Karen McGowan gave an update on environmental matters stating that she had attended a walkabout regard the Waterthorpe Green Corridor and some action from this were to set up a Friends of Ochre Dyke Group for the corridor project, which included the installation of benches, notice boards, signage, pond excavation and increase community engagement, as well as the installation of a memorial plaque/bench for “Jacksons Meadow” in memory of Phil Jackson. She said the first meeting of the Environment Group had been held after interested parties had wanted to discuss ideas. Action from this was that each Ward would identify an area for wildflowers, fruit trees etc. Councillor McGowan said that a second meeting had been held which had received on an update on this and discussion was held around the Beighton Orchard Day, allotment sites, tree planting etc. |
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Councillor McGowan said that the LAC had worked with the Beighton Village Development Trust, Crystal Peaks Church and officers and members of Beighton Orchard to deliver the Beighton Orchard Apple Day, which had been attended by over 500 people. She said the LAC would continue to work with local groups to revive the Beighton Environmental Group and continue to support Beighton Orchard. |
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Councillor McGowan was to have an initial meeting with officers on 12th October at Shirebrook Valley with the aim of providing more dog fouling signage, bins, poo bags etc. With regard to Owlthorpe Orchard, Councillor McGowan said that the LAC was working with Council partners regarding the clearance to the entrance of fruit trees which had become overgrown. She hoped that the fruit could be used by foodbanks and cost of living initiatives to help struggling families. Finally, she said that officers were developing a “sponsor a street initiative” and were looking at pilot areas which were willing to become part of the scheme. |
8.9 |
Councillor Mick Rooney gave an update regarding the Youth Parliament. He stated that the first half away day had taken place on 2nd September and there had been some really good discussions around what issues young people felt were pertinent to them. He said there were two issues he would take forward the Children, Young People and Families Policy Committee, of which he was Chair, these being the 6th form options for young people in the South East area. He said that currently there were no schools within the area with 6th form facilities, pupils had to travel to Tapton School. The second issue to be taken forward to the Policy Committee was the disruption to their studies during covid. Councillor Rooney said that a second half away day was to be held on 28th October. |
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Councillor Denise Fox gave an update on youth activities. She said that Birley Ward Councillors had used some money from the Ward Pot to deliver youth activities during the summer holidays and she had worked with Uriah Rennie to deliver two sessions per week, for six weeks at the Hackenthorpe Skatepark, where youth workers had interacted with all ages at playing football, cricket and many more games. She said she was looking to extend the provision with Crystal Peaks that had been available during the six weeks school holidays for “dark nights”. Councillor Fox said that the South East LAC had received an additional £10,000 funding from the Youth Services Team which was to be spent on youth provision with the area. Officers and members were looking at how this money could be used to aid and increase youth provision within the area. |
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Councillor Karen McGowan said that the formal items of business had now concluded and thanked everyone for their attendance. |
(NOTE: That, at the close of the meeting, Members of the Committee and members of the public had the opportunity of speaking to representatives of various Council Services and Council partners, at stands set up in the venue.) |