Report of the Chief Licensing Officer.
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Present at the meeting were Chris Turgoose (Objector), Ian Smith (Objector) Jayne Gough (Licensing Strategy and Policy Officer & Health and Wellbeing Lead), Samantha Bond (Legal Adviser to the Sub-Committee), Jack Risely Boyt (Professional Officer) and Philippa Burdett (Democratic Services).
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Prior to the presentation of the report, Jayne Gough stated that further to email correspondence received prior to the hearing between the applicant and licensing officers, the applicant wished to withdraw the application due to a communication breakdown between the applicant and the landlord.
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Samantha Bond stated that without having received a formal withdrawal of the application, any decision made at the hearing without the applicant present would not be fair and just.
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Ian Smith stated that one of the objections he had raised related to the poor quality of communication of the proposal via the sign that was fixed to the premises.
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Jayne Gough thanked Mr Smith for bringing this to the Sub-Committee’s attention and stated that the signage must match the application, or the process would be invalidated.
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RESOLVED: In the light of the evidence provided, a decision on the case be deferred to enable the applicant to formally withdraw the application. |
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