Agenda item

Home to School Transport Appeals

Report of the Director of Children’s Services



Verbal Appeal KE/01




In attendance were the appellant, her eldest daughter and Andrew Tierney (Customer Services).




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked attendees to introduce themselves.  She then outlined the procedure which would be followed during the meeting.




The Director of Children’s Services, submitted a report and commented upon a case where the parent had appealed against the administrative decision made by the Executive Director with regard to the refusal to grant a home to school travel bus pass (Case No. KE/01).




Andrew Tierney explained the Stage 1 review and Stage 2 appeals process regarding the City Council’s Home to School Transport Policy.  Mr. Tierney informed the Committee of the reasons why the request for a home to school travel pass had been refused at Stage 1.




The appellant explained to the Committee the reasons for the request for a home to school travel pass for her daughter.




In response to questions raised by Members, the appellant stated that her daughter had struggled emotionally following the death of her father, but now had the support of her peer group attending the same school. The appellant stated that she had health problems which had prevented her from working, and that she had another child who attended the attended the 6th form at the same school.  The appellant stated that the move from her previous address to her current address was out of her hands, and that she had little choice but to accept the property, and was bound to this property for two years. 




At this stage in the proceedings, the appellants and officer left the meeting to enable the Committee to consider the evidence.




RESOLVED: That the appeal be upheld on the grounds that there are exceptional medical, financial, family and social circumstances demonstrated (Case No.KE/01).




Written Appeal




The Director of Children’s Services, submitted a report and commented upon a case where the parent had appealed against the administrative decision made by the Executive Director with regard to the refusal to grant a home to school travel bus pass (Case No.HG/01).




The Committee gave consideration to all the supporting information and evidence provided by the pupil’s parent and, arising therefrom, it was:-




RESOLVED: That the appeal be not upheld on the grounds that there are no exceptional circumstances demonstrated, and having regard to the Council’s Home to School Transport Policy, the school that the pupil is requesting a pass for falls within the distance criteria of under three miles (Case No.HG/01).