Agenda item

Enforcement of Planning Control


a)         38 Parkhead Crescent


Report of Director of Development Services




b)         280 Ecclesall Road


Report of Director of Development Services




38 Parkhead Crescent




The Director of Development Services submitted a report informing Members of a breach of advertisement regulations in respect of the display of an unauthorised advertisement at 38 Parkhead Crescent and making recommendations on any further action required.  




The report stated that a complaint had been received regarding an advertisement banner that had been fixed to the side elevation of 38 Parkhead Crescent. Correspondence was entered into with the owner/occupier advising them that the banner required advertisement consent; but that it was unlikely to be supported by the Local Planning Authority given its size and the prominent location in a street scene within a residential area. The owner/occupier responded by claiming the sign was necessary to promote their business.




Officers were very aware of the difficult economic climate that businesses were operating within, and were appreciative of the need for business to advertise. However, this has to be weighed against any harm to the visual amenity of the local area, and there were alternative ways to advertise the business. For example a small plaque identifying the location of the business by the front door.




Despite correspondence instructing the owners to remove the banner they had yet to do so.




RESOLVED: That the Director of Development Services or Head of Planning be authorised to take all necessary steps, including the institution of legal proceedings, if necessary, to secure the removal of the unauthorised sign at 38 Parkhead Crescent.




280 Ecclesall Road




The Director of Development Services submitted a report on a breach of advertisement control in relation to the advertisement site currently occupied by ‘Claypenny Premium Student Housing’ Advert, Lower Part of Flank Wall, 280 Ecclesall Road.




The report stated that express consent had not been given for the advert referred to in the report and also on the agenda under application reference 12/01431/ADV. Officers were aware of the difficult economic climate that businesses were operating within, and were appreciative of the need for the business to advertise. However, this had to be weighted against any harm to the visual amenity of the local area and another consideration to note was that there were alternative ways to advertise the business without resorting to placing adverts on buildings that were general promotions and non-specific to the site.




A letter had been sent to the owner of the building and the owner of the company advertised, to outline the proposed enforcement action. A Section 330 information notice was included to establish property ownership and any other persons with an interest in it.




RESOLVED: That the Director of Development Services or Head of Planning be authorised to take any appropriate action including, if necessary, enforcement action, the service of a Discontinuance Notice and the institution of legal proceedings to secure the discontinuance of the use of the site, currently occupied by the ‘Claypenny – Premium Student Housing’ advert, on the flank wall of 280 Ecclesall Road for the display of advertisements including the removal of the existing advert.


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