Agenda item

Planning Application No. 20/03766/OUT - Land At And Adjacent Meadowhall Centre, Meadowhall Way, Sheffield Road And Vulcan Road, M1 Distribution Centre, Vulcan Road And The Source, 300 Meadowhall Way, Sheffield, S9 1EQ



Councillor Dianne Hurst re-took the Chair and Councillors Bob McCann, Peter Price, Tom Hunt and Richard Williams returned to the  meeting.



Councillor Tony Damms entered the meeting.



A late representation, along with the officer response, an update to the S. 106 Heads of Terms and updates to the list of conditions were included within the supplementary report circulated and summarised at the meeting.



Verbal clarification was given at the meeting in respect of the wording of the fourth paragraph of page 183 of the agenda papers which should be amended to read as follows:


Overall, taking all relevant factors into account, in terms of the health of existing centres and the potential impact of the proposed development, as set out in the report above, and subject to the impact mitigation proposed by the applicant being secured through appropriately worded planning conditions and obligations, it is accepted that there is no reasonable basis to conclude that the proposed development would be likely to have a significant adverse impact upon the vitality and viability of any City, Town or District Centre within the catchment areas or any existing, committed and planned public and private investment in those centres. It is consequently considered that the application is acceptable in principle and accords with the relevant Local Plan and National Planning Policy Framework policies set out at the beginning of this section.



The Officer presented the report which gave details of the application and highlighted the history of the site and the key issues in addition to presenting photographs of the site which were provided to committee members in advance of the meeting.



Philip Villars and Jamie Whitfield attended the meeting and spoke against the application.



David Bloy attended the meeting and spoke in support of the application.



The Committee considered the report and recommendation having regard to the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and other relevant considerations as summarised in the report and supplementary report, now submitted and also had regard to representations made during the meeting.



RESOLVED: That an application for planning permission be GRANTED, conditionally subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Act based on the Heads of Terms set out in the Committee Report (as amended by the Supplementary Information) and also subject to prior consultation with the Secretary of State under the requirements of the Consultations Direction 2021, for the reasons set out in the report and supplementary report, now submitted, for outline application (all matters reserved) for the extension and/or demolition (in part or full) of existing buildings, demolition of car parking, and the provision of new built development for indoor recreation and leisure, retail, catering, offices, light industrial, creche (Use Class E), drinking establishments, hot food takeaway, cinema, police station and car showroom (Sui Generis), non-residential institution (Use Class F1), along with pedestrian and vehicular highways works, car parking (including multi-storey car park), servicing, landscaping, public realm and associated works. Permission is sought for the following description of development: Full application for the change of use of The Source from (former) Use Class D1 and D2 to indoor recreation and leisure, catering, offices, creche (Use Class E), drinking establishments, hot food takeaway (Sui Generis), and/ or non-residential institution (Use Class F1) at Land At And Adjacent Meadowhall Centre, Meadowhall Way, Sheffield Road And Vulcan Road, M1 Distribution Centre, Vulcan Road And The Source, 300 Meadowhall Way, Sheffield, S9 1EQ  (Application No. 20/03766/OUT).



Supporting documents: