Report of the Director of Public Health - SCC
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The Board received a report of the Director of Public Health concerning infant mortality. The report was presented by Amanda Pickard, Acting Public Health Principal and Julia Thompson, Health Improvement Principal, Sheffield City Council. |
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The Board was informed that the rate of infant mortality had fallen by 42% since 2005, which was approximately 3.5 per thousand and below the England average and the inequality gap was closing. However, infant mortality was closely associated with poverty and the progress might be threatened by the present cost of living crisis. Therefore, there was an urgent need to refresh the Infant Mortality Strategy. |
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The Chair suggested that the work on the Strategy should also take account of the recommendations of the Race Equality Commission and issues for people with physical and learning disabilities. |
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The Board discussed and commented on the report. The Strategy needed to focus on action and the success of the previous strategy that would make a difference to child mortality, including the 8 themes within the existing strategy such as smoking in pregnancy, teenage conceptions and breastfeeding. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust was working on its maternity services was keen to support the work on infant mortality. |
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There was a welcome emphasis on trusted individuals/relationships between mothers, families and services. It was thought that it might also be beneficial to speak with the PCNs regarding safe sleep champions. There was also a focus on the ante-natal parenting offer and post-natal support as part of the Start for Life programme. It was suggested that it might also be useful to have advocates in the community to help raise awareness of infant mortality. |
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It was suggested that there could be more discussion about the Start for Life programme and children’s services in the partnership arrangements and to co-ordinate work that was happening. With regard to the Strategy, the 8 existing themes/programmes would remain, and work would continue consistently and in a co-ordinated manner. It would also be linked to the development of Family Hubs. |
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There was acknowledgement of the voluntary and community sector role in supporting the relational aspects of the activity to reduce infant mortality. There was potential to develop the role of volunteers and community organisations to support the work in relation to infant mortality. |
The Health & Wellbeing Board agreed the following:
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