Agenda item

Decision seeking approval to update the Adult Education Budget (AEB) commissioning strategy for Family Adult Community Education Service

Report of the Executive Director, City Futures.



Lifelong Learning and Skills receives and manages the Adult Education Budget (AEB) grant from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA). A proportion of this grant is used to commission adult learning provision from partner suppliers that have the capability to deliver learning that includes employment skills activities and learning to Adults 19+ across the communities of Sheffield.


They are procured via a framework arrangement in accordance with Regulations 74 – 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 The current framework arrangements are scheduled to terminate at the end of the current academic year, and it is recommended that a successor framework is commissioned for the next four academic years commencing 2023/24.


The Family Adult Community Education Services (FACES) which manages and administers this grant funding is seeking approval from the committee to update the procurement framework to ensure the service can continue to diversify its offer for adult learning in community settings from August 2023.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee approves:-



1.    to enable a new framework so that FACES can commission adult learning provision across the city, undertaking the necessary due diligence and quality assurance; and


2.    to liaise with the Head of Commercial Services and the Director of Legal and Governance to procure and award contracts for the delivery of AEB funded adult learning provision by means of a framework arrangement in accordance with Regulations 74 – 76 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


3.    that the Committee open up discussions with SYMCA regarding the importance of multi-year funding




Reasons for Decision




The intended outcome is the commissioning of a framework which supports the delivery of adult learning in community settings. This will adhere to the Adult Education Budget Funding regulations to allow the service to procure niche delivery or curriculum high in demand that the service does not have the capacity to meet. It will also meet the demands of OFSTED criteria which are critical as the service is in scope for an imminent inspection.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The service could explore the option to extend the existing framework arrangement and contracts thereunder with current suppliers. However, the funding is now received via SYMCA and not direct from government (Education and Skills Funding Agency – ESFA) and this should allow more localised flexibilities, the service recognises this is an opportunity to update the commissioning strategy to align to this.




Commissioning of a new framework will allow the service to take account of any fundamental changes in the context of delivery of adult learning in the city, and ensure it aligns to local, regional and national skills demands.




The Head of Service, Lifelong and Skills presented the report.  Lifelong Learning and Skills received and managed the Adult Education Budget (AEB) grant from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA). A proportion of the grant was used to commission adult learning provision from partner suppliers that had the capability to deliver learning that included employment skills activities and learning to Adults 19+ across the communities of Sheffield.


They were procured via a framework arrangement in accordance with Regulations 74 – 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The current framework arrangements were scheduled to terminate at the end of the current academic year, and it was recommended that a successor framework be commissioned for the next four academic years commencing 2023/24.


The Family Adult Community Education Services (FACES) which managed and administered the grant funding was seeking approval from the Committee to update the procurement framework to ensure the service could continue to diversify its offer for adult learning in community settings from August 2023.


Members asked various questions regarding formal exams, types of subjects, local providers, family learning, digital inclusion, future priorities and ongoing delivery.


The Head of Service, Lifelong and Skills responded that not all learning resulted in formal exams, it was up to the learner which pathway they wanted to take.  Learning could be on many subjects and the intent was to address confidence issues.  The criteria would remain fundamentally the same and it was open to any provider who could deliver.  The tender criteria included sections on understanding the community, which helped local providers.  The service liaised with schools to support and enable adults to enter learning pathways and ensure that curriculums remain fit for purpose.  Essential digital skills were part of the offer.  The framework allowed diversity to be built in and was Ofsted rated.  Anecdotal evidence suggested that many learners stayed on pathways and gained recognised qualifications.  Funding was issued on an annual basis which meant that multi year contracts could not be issued.


Councillor Tom Hunt suggested that the Committee open up dialogue with SYMCA regarding the importance of multiyear funding for the continuation of learning.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee Policy Committee:-



1.    To enable a new framework so that FACES can commission adult learning provision across the city, undertaking the necessary due diligence and quality assurance; and


2.    To liaise with the Head of Commercial Services and the Director of Legal and Governance to procure and award contracts for the delivery of AEB funded adult learning provision by means of a framework arrangement in accordance with Regulations 74 – 76 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


3.    That the Committee open up discussions with SYMCA regarding the importance of multi-year funding




Reasons for Decision




The intended outcome is the commissioning of a framework which supports the delivery of adult learning in community settings. This will adhere to the Adult Education Budget Funding regulations to allow the service to procure niche delivery or curriculum high in demand that the service does not have the capacity to meet. It will also meet the demands of OFSTED criteria which are critical as the service is in scope for an imminent inspection.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The service could explore the option to extend the existing framework arrangement and contracts thereunder with current suppliers. However, the funding is now received via SYMCA and not direct from government (Education and Skills Funding Agency – ESFA) and this should allow more localised flexibilities, the service recognises this is an opportunity to update the commissioning strategy to align to this.




Commissioning of a new framework will allow the service to take account of any fundamental changes in the context of delivery of adult learning in the city, and ensure it aligns to local, regional and national skills demands.


Supporting documents: