Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meetings

To approve the minutes of the meetings of the Sub-Committee held on 23rd November and 7th December, 2022.



23rd November, 2022




The minutes of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 23rd November, 2022, were approved as a correct record.




The Chair referred to Item 6.12, which stated that Greg Fell would report back to this Sub-Committee regarding mobility training at GP surgeries and asked the Policy and Improvement Officer to follow this up.




7th December, 2022




The minutes of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 7th December, 2022, were approved as a correct record, subject to an apology for absence from Councillor Abtisam Mohamed being recorded and at item 5.4, the word ‘Edley’ be changed to read ‘Edney’.


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