Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public



Duke Arundel submitted the following questions which was read out and responded to by the Chair:


Q1. How many known access controls are in place on Sheffield Parks & Countryside service land of: -


a) A or K Frame type

b) Chicanes type

c) Other


A1. Parks and Countryside don’t currently hold this information. We will however add this point to our standard assessments etc in order that the information begins to be gathered and regularly reviewed as part of site reviews and projects.


Q2. In light of the Equality Act, Section 20 and local transport note 1.20 guidance, what is the policy of this Committee towards barrier replacement to meet statutory requirements?

It should be noted as well as the aforementioned EA2010 S.20, EA2010 Section 29 outlines that it is unlawful to discontinue or not provide a service, or access to a service, on the basis of a protected characteristic. A person making use of a mobility aid or invalid carriage falls under the purview of this definition.

A2. Where possible our parks are open without entrance restrictions but there are a number of factors that make this problematic on some sites including significant anti-social behaviour issues (including but not limited to fly tipping and off-road vehicle damage). In some cases, K barriers have been necessary to improve safety on sites and removing these might exacerbate issues on site making them less safe for all users. We review access to sites and would always consider the most accessible option and replace barriers with a more accessible option if appropriate.

Q3.  Does Sheffield Parks & Countryside Service or the Council's Capital Investment Teams have any planned replacement of barriers with bollards, excluding those underway on National Cycle Network 67/627?

A3. There is no ongoing or planned replacement program. When renewals are required, or other improvements are proposed in the vicinity of a barrier bollards may be considered if appropriate. This decision would be taken on a site-by-site basis.

Q4. Will the Committee be working with the new active travel commissioner to make the parks accessible for everyone, regardless of physical ability?

A4.  Yes, every effort is taken to improve all sites and active travel is an important priority for this committee.



Stuart Wilson submitted the following questions which was read out and responded to by the Chair:


Q. What is the current position regarding the provision of an indoor bowling facility as part of the new development at Springs Leisure Centre, which was due to commence in 2023?


A. We are currently reviewing the financial modelling for investment in our leisure facilities, as part of this we are taking into account the impacts of increased inflation and energy pressures. Within the investment proposals we are exploring the options for provision of an indoor bowling facility. The original planning was based on the potential to provide a facility at the Concord site when that is rebuilt. Following feedback from the indoor bowling community we are now also exploring the possibility of an indoor bowling facility being provided at Springs. More detail will be available later in the year once the financial modelling and more detailed design work for the sites has concluded.



Members gave some comments around types of frames causing issues for cyclists, people with prams and peoples in wheelchairs and a suggested a policy review on this.