Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.



The Committee received the following question from a members of the public, in attendance at the meeting.



Public Questioner 1



Felt as though Tinsley ward had been left to one side and that it needed more attention. She asked if more funding could go into Tinsley.


The Chair explained that members of the public would hear, at a later stage of the meeting, how the funds were going to be distributed across all the wards. She highlighted some recent projects that had gone into Tinsley. These included

the new school which was built and opened just a few years ago. The park had been regenerated before the school development. Councillors negotiated an annual grant from EON of around 25k per year for Tinsley dependent on energy generated at the EON biomass plant. There will also be a nature park developed on the old school site. 


Councillor Zahira Naz also added that she had applied for some warm spaces, for the men of Tinsley and that they already had a women’s group that was going well. Councillor Naz mentioned she had a recent meeting where she asked a question around community development workers for the Tinsley area and whether more CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) can be used in the area.