Agenda item

City Goals Briefing



The Director of Economy, Skills and Culture gave a presentation which provided the Committee with information on why City Goals are needed, what City Goals could do for Sheffield, what would be different, principles, what the goals could look like, what other places are doing, process to date, Member engagement, project overview and what is needed from Members.



Members gave comments and asked questions. Responses were provided around makeup of the City Partnership Board, collaborative working, presentation to LAC chairs and accessible language.



It was explained that the work is about partners coming together collaboratively and it was clarified that there is an invitation to shape the City Goals. A future detailed briefing on the City Partnership Board was offered to provide further information to Members and it was agreed to distribute some information about this too.



Clarification was sought on when LAC Chairs were presented to. It was explained that the exact dates this took place would be reported back.