Agenda item

Sheffield Museums Support

Report of Executive Director, City Futures



Sheffield Museums Trust (SMT) operates 6 museum sites across the city; cares for the City Collection of artefacts and art which belong to the people of Sheffield; provides educational and learning experiences; and is a major part of Sheffield’s visitor and cultural economy.


Inflation, National Living Wage increases and variable post-Covid visitor numbers, alongside significant energy cost pressure has created budget pressure. Through co-working with SMT and SCC, various actions have been taken already to mitigate this pressure on budgets. SMT are now included in the SCC energy tariff and have introduced other commercial and cost saving measures.


It is proposed to increase the 23/24 Contract Price to Sheffield Museums by £360,000.  This will be funded from reserves (specifically the energy/inflation reserve).




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Sub-Committee:-


1.     increases the 23/24 revenue grant to Sheffield Museums by £360,000, as set out in the report, to be funded from reserves (specifically the energy/inflation reserve);


2.     notes that provision for a permanent service charge increase for 24/25 and onwards will be made within the Medium Term Financial Analysis and taken through the usual SCC annual budgeting process; and


3.     notes that SCC will continue to work in partnership with SMT to refine revenue forecasts, mitigate pressures and secure funding for energy saving initiatives (such as the Local Renewable Energy Fund) and other invest to save proposals.




Reasons for decisions




Sheffield Museums is a high-quality, efficient organisation which brings many benefits to the city. The additional funding will support them to continue to provide an excellent service for the city, its communities and visitors.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




A comprehensive process by officers considered alternative options, these were detailed in the report. SCC will continue to work in partnership with SMT to refine revenue forecasts, mitigate pressures and secure funding for energy saving initiatives (such as the Local Renewable Energy Fund) and other invest to save proposals.





RESOLVED: That the public and press be excluded from the meeting and the webcast be paused before discussion takes place on this item of business on the grounds that, if the public and press were present during the transaction of such business, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.




The Director of Economic Development, Skills and Culture submitted a report seeking approval for an increase to the 2023/24 Contract Price to Sheffield Museums Trust, this would be funded from reserves (specifically the energy/inflation reserve).




Inflation, National Living Wage increases and variable post-Covid visitor numbers, alongside significant energy cost pressure has created budget pressure. Through co-working with SMT and SCC, various actions have been taken already to mitigate this pressure on budgets. SMT are now included in the SCC energy tariff and have introduced other commercial and cost saving measures.




The meeting was re-opened to the public and press, and the webcast was recommenced, prior to the decisions being taken by the Committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Sub-Committee:-


1.     increases the 23/24 revenue grant to Sheffield Museums by £360,000, as set out in the report, to be funded from reserves (specifically the energy/inflation reserve);


2.     notes that provision for a permanent service charge increase for 24/25 and onwards will be made within the Medium Term Financial Analysis and taken through the usual SCC annual budgeting process; and


3.     notes that SCC will continue to work in partnership with SMT to refine revenue forecasts, mitigate pressures and secure funding for energy saving initiatives (such as the Local Renewable Energy Fund) and other invest to save proposals.




Reasons for decisions




Sheffield Museums is a high-quality, efficient organisation which brings many benefits to the city. The additional funding would support them to continue to provide an excellent service for the city, its communities and visitors.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




A comprehensive process by officers considered alternative options, these were detailed in the report. SCC would continue to work in partnership with SMT to refine revenue forecasts, mitigate pressures and secure funding for energy saving initiatives (such as the Local Renewable Energy Fund) and other invest to save proposals.


Supporting documents: