Agenda item

Centre for Childhealth Technology

Report of Executive Director, City Futures



To seek approval to the City Council entering into a lease to deliver a new research facility together with an adjoining office building at the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park on the terms outlined within the report.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Sub-Committee:-


1.     pursuant to the terms of the development agreement between the Council and Scarborough, agrees in principle the disposal of land through a lease for a term of 250 years, as detailed in this report; and


2.     delegates to the Executive Director City Futures in consultation with the Chief Property Officer and the Director of Legal and Governance the final decision to dispose land as set out in this report.




Reasons for decisions




The proposed National Centre for Child Health Technology is another exciting new development which further enhances the existing facilities in accordance with the SOLP Vision and accelerates its growth and brings a range of economic benefits for both the local community and wider city region. The results of the research which will be carried out will potentially improve the health of children throughout the world.




The new offices in the Grow-on Centre will deliver further private investment and will attract attention and interest from other organisations and businesses who wish to be associated with the ongoing success of the SOLP




The proposed disposal of the site to Scarborough as set out in this report and in Part 2 will enable both of these developments to proceed, subject to officers agreeing the final terms of the lease.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Council could decide not to enter into the proposed agreement to dispose of the site to Scarborough and to try to persuade them to allow it to be withdrawn from the development agreement in order that it be developed by the Trust.




There are commercial and logistical reasons not to do this as set out in the report in Part 2 of this agenda.




The Head of Regeneration and Property Services presented a report seeking approval for SCC to enter into a lease to deliver a new research facility for the development of innovative technologies for child health together with an adjoining office building at the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park (SOLP).




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Sub-Committee:-


1.     pursuant to the terms of the development agreement between the Council and Scarborough, agrees in principle the disposal of land through a lease for a term of 250 years, as detailed in this report; and


2.     delegates to the Executive Director City Futures in consultation with the Chief Property Officer and the Director of Legal and Governance the final decision to dispose land as set out in this report.




Reasons for decisions




The proposed National Centre for Child Health Technology was another exciting new development which would further enhance the existing facilities in accordance with the SOLP Vision, accelerate its growth and bring a range of economic benefits for both the local community and wider city region. The results of the research which would be carried out would potentially improve the health of children throughout the world.




The new offices in the Grow-on Centre would deliver further private investment and attract attention and interest from other organisations and businesses who wished to be associated with the ongoing success of the SOLP.




The proposed disposal of the site to Scarborough, as set out in the report and in Part 2, would enable both of these developments to proceed, subject to officers agreeing the final terms of the lease.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Council could decide not to enter into the proposed agreement to dispose of the site to Scarborough and to try to persuade them to allow it to be withdrawn from the development agreement in order that it be developed by the Trust.




There are commercial and logistical reasons not to do this as set out in the report in Part 2 of this agenda.


Supporting documents: