Agenda item

Planning Application No. 22/01020/FUL - Building between Cotton Street and 24, Alma Street, Sheffield, S3 8SA




As the application had been deferred at the meeting held on 14th February 2023 to allow for clarification of the designation and implications for the site in the Publication Draft Local Plan, Councillors Mike Chaplin, Tony Downing, Bernard Little, Barbara Masters and Alan Woodcock left the meeting as they had not been present at the previous meeting to hear the officer presentation and public representations.



Councillor Henry Nottage entered the meeting as he had been present at the previous meeting as substitute for Councillor Brian Holmshaw.



A report clarification, additional conditions and supplementary information were included within the supplementary report circulated and summarised at the meeting.



The Officer detailed the contents of the supplementary report in respect of the  Draft Local Plan and presented an image of the area showing the Draft Local Plan designations of the application site and other areas to the North.



Robin Hughes attended the meeting and spoke against the application.



The Committee considered the report and recommendation having regard to the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and other relevant considerations as summarised in the report and supplementary reports, now submitted and also having regard to representations made at the meeting.



RESOLVED:- That an application for approval of planning permission be GRANTED, conditionally subject to Legal Agreement, for the reasons set out in the report and supplementary reports, now submitted, for alterations and conversion of building from light Industrial (Use Class E) to create 14 dwellings (Use Class C3) (amended plans received 21.11.2022) at Building between Cotton Street and 24 Alma Street, Sheffield, S3 8SA (Application No. 22/01020/FUL).



Supporting documents: