Agenda item

Physical Activity and Leisure

Report of the Director of Public Health



The Director of Public Health, Greg Fell submitted a report regarding Physical Activity in Sheffield.  The report outlined the inequalities that continued to persist in levels of physical activity in Sheffield and detailed the Move More whole systems approach to physical activity in the City.




The Board noted that in order to tackle the persistent inequalities a collaborative approach was required.




It was advised that 24.7% of adults in Sheffield were inactive and 49.9% of older adults in the city were inactive.  This was higher that the national averages and certain groups were overrepresented within the stats.  There were major inequalities in Sheffield in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy.




It was advised that it was easier to be active in some communities than others with some people finding it more difficult to access facilities and services and the benefits of physical activity were not always realised where they were most needed.




The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine (NCSEM) in Sheffield were a collective voice for physical activity in Sheffield.  Move More in Sheffield’s whole system approach to increasing physical activity.  There had been significant work delivered within target communities to tackle inequalities in physical activity which could be built on such as Move More Empowered Communities ad This Girl Can.




Going forward, Sheffield City Council’s new Sport and Leisure Strategy would be launched in 2023.  This had been carefully designed to ensure themes dovetail with the themes outlined in the Move More Strategy and would help guide and shape operational activity and deliver the ambitions of the Move More Strategy and contribute to the whole system approach to physical activity.




The Health and Wellbeing Board:


·       agree on mechanisms for sharing information on physical activity;


·       Agree the approach to ensuring strategic alignment between boards; and


·       Agree to develop an approach to the co-design of sport and leisure facilities.


Supporting documents: