Agenda item

Proportional Allocation of Seats on Council Committees - Update

Report of the Chief Executive.



RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Pat Midgley, seconded by Councillor Penny Baker, that this Council:-




(a)    notes the application of the political proportionality framework as set out in the report of the Chief Executive now submitted;


(b)    (i) agrees that, in order to ensure that each political group has the required number of seats overall in comparison to the total number of seats available on all Committees to reflect their composition on the Council as a whole, the Liberal Democrat Group’s adjustment of two seats be from the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee and the Admissions Committee, with those two seats being allocated to the Labour Group and (ii) accordingly, Councillor Anders Hanson be replaced by Councillor Jayne Dunn on the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee, and Councillor Clive Skelton’s seat on the Admissions Committee be now recognised as belonging to the Labour Group;


(c)     removes Councillor Clive Skelton from all the other Committees, panels, groups, etc and external bodies, to which he had been appointed to serve on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group; and


(d)    notes that the financial effect of the consequential changes to appointments to positions attracting Special Responsibility Allowances, outlined in section 6 of the report, is an additional cost to the Members’ Allowances budget of approximately £1,650.


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