Agenda item

Notice of Motion Concerning the Closure of Leeds' Children's Heart Surgery Unit (1)

That this Council:-


(a)       condemns the decision of the Joint Committee of Primary Care Trusts to cease performing children’s heart surgery at Leeds General Infirmary;


(b)       acknowledges that the decision means that there will no longer be specialist surgery anywhere within the Yorkshire and Humber Region and children and families from Sheffield will face increased journey times to alternative provision which may put lives at risk;


(c)        notes that 13.7 million people live within a two hour drive time of Leeds and the birth rate in Yorkshire and Humber over the last 5 years and projected forward to 2015 is double the national average;


(d)       believes that there is a great deal of concern surrounding the decision-making process;


(e)       is aware that there is now to be a review of services to Adults with Congenital Heart Disease which will take place during the Summer/Autumn 2013 and that in Leeds surgeons treat both children and adults on the same site providing continuity of care;


(f)         believes the decision is short-sighted, flawed and will have a hugely negative impact on families and children in the City and throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region who will face severe logistical difficulties and disruption at a time of massive worry about the health of their child and is not in their best interests;


(g)       also believes the decision to cease the provision for children in isolation without considering the impact on the provision of services for people with Congenital Heart Disease is not in the best interests of people from across the region; and


(h)        supports the decision taken by the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for Yorkshire and the Humber at its meeting on 24th July, 2012, to refer the decision to the Secretary of State for Health for reconsideration.




RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Mary Lea, seconded by Councillor Ian Saunders, that this Council:-




(a)       condemns the decision of the Joint Committee of Primary Care Trusts to cease performing children’s heart surgery at Leeds General Infirmary;




(b)       acknowledges that the decision means that there will no longer be specialist surgery anywhere within the Yorkshire and Humber Region and children and families from Sheffield will face increased journey times to alternative provision which may put lives at risk;




(c)        notes that 13.7 million people live within a two hour drive time of Leeds and the birth rate in Yorkshire and Humber over the last 5 years and projected forward to 2015 is double the national average;




(d)       believes that there is a great deal of concern surrounding the decision-making process;




(e)       is aware that there is now to be a review of services to Adults with Congenital Heart Disease which will take place during the Summer/Autumn 2013 and that in Leeds surgeons treat both children and adults on the same site providing continuity of care;




(f)         believes the decision is short-sighted, flawed and will have a hugely negative impact on families and children in the City and throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region who will face severe logistical difficulties and disruption at a time of massive worry about the health of their child and is not in their best interests;




(g)       also believes the decision to cease the provision for children in isolation without considering the impact on the provision of services for people with Congenital Heart Disease is not in the best interests of people from across the region; and




(h)        supports the decision taken by the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for Yorkshire and the Humber at its meeting on 24th July, 2012, to refer the decision to the Secretary of State for Health for reconsideration.




(NOTE: Councillor Mary Lea exercised a right of reply prior to the above Motion being put to the vote.)