Agenda item

Notice Of Motion Concerning the Russian Judiciary Conviction of Pussy Riot

That this Council:-


(a)       notes with extreme concern the decision of the Russian judiciary to convict the members of the band, Pussy Riot, to two years in jail for hooliganism;


(b)       deplores attempts by any administration to curtail free speech, stifle genuine debate, or restrict opposition voices; and


(c)        directs that a copy of this motion is sent to all Sheffield MPs and the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.




RESOLVED:  On the Motion of Councillor Roger Davison, seconded by Councillor Denise Reaney, that this Council:-




(a)       notes with extreme concern the decision of the Russian judiciary to convict the members of the band, Pussy Riot, to two years in jail for hooliganism;




(b)       deplores attempts by any administration to curtail free speech, stifle genuine debate, or restrict opposition voices; and




(c)        directs that a copy of this motion is sent to all Sheffield MPs and the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.