Report of the Director of Children’s Services.
7.1 |
Verbal Appeal BI/01 |
7.1.1 |
In attendance were the appellant, Andrew Tierney, Semaira Asif and Sharon Craig (Customer Services). |
7.1.2 |
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked attendees to introduce themselves. He then outlined the procedure which would be followed during the meeting. |
7.1.3 |
The Director of Children’s Services ???, submitted a report and commented upon a case where the child’s carer had appealed against the administrative decision made by the Director with regard to the refusal to grant a home to school travel bus pass (Case No. BI/01). |
7.1.4 |
Andrew Tierney explained the Stage 1 review and Stage 2 appeals process regarding the City Council’s Home to School Transport Policy. Mr. Tierney informed the Committee of the reasons why the request for a home to school travel pass had been refused at Stage 1. |
7.1.5 |
The appellant explained to the Committee the reasons for the request for a home to school travel pass for the child. |
7.1.6 |
In response to questions raised by Members, the appellant stated that two of the child’s brothers, one of which he didn’t get on with, attended one of the child’s three qualifying schools. She stated that if he was not granted a bus pass, it would make life more difficult in terms of his attendance at his chosen school, but would not stop him attending. He would be able to walk, although it was around two miles to the school, and he could also catch a bus which went very close to the school. |
7.1.7 |
At this stage in the proceedings, the appellant and officers left the meeting to enable the Committee to consider the evidence. |
7.1.8 |
RESOLVED: That (a) the appeal be not upheld on the grounds that there are no exceptional medical, financial, family and social circumstances demonstrated (Case No.BI/01); and |
(b) the Committee requests that the Education, Children and Families Policy Committee reviews the Home to School Transport Policy, particularly that element relating to Looked After Children having to attend a state school to qualify for receiving a bus pass ??? |
7.2 |
Appeal ST/02 |
7.2.1 |
It was agreed that in the circumstances now reported, the appeal be referred to the Director of Children’s Services, for determination, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee. |