Agenda item

Report objections to the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for Broomhill Shopping Precinct

Report of the Executive Director of City Futures



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures on the consultation response to the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for the Broomhill Shopping Precinct, including the receipt of objections to the Order and the Council’s response.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


Approves that a Traffic Regulation Order be made so as to make permanent the

restrictions within the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, as advertised and

implemented, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Objectors

will then be informed of the decision by the Council’s Traffic Regulations team and

the order implemented on street.





Reasons for Decision




Before the intervention was implemented in August 2020, there were a

few issues with the public space at the Broomhill Shopping Precinct. Cars

were often queuing along the A57 to pull into the parking bays causing

congestion. Safety was also a concern insofar as cars were also reversing

out into the main road out of the parking bays and, in addition to this, there

were also issues around the narrow pavement adjacent to the parking

bays. This led to pedestrians often walking down the middle of the road.



Since the changes were implemented the air quality has improved, with

nitrogen dioxide levels decreasing by 14% in the area. If the changes

were made permanent, this would create an opportunity to enhance the

public realm in the area with the additional space (Appendix B). These

enhancements could lead to more people visiting Broomhill and staying

for longer.



The intervention is also a good strategic fit with the objectives within the

Visions and Aspirations for the BBEST Area 2021 such as:

Encourage economic activity and growth

Enhance the public realm

Improve the function of pedestrianised areas

Improve the environment (including air quality and noise) for



Having considered the response from the public and other consultees it is

recommended that the Broomhill ETRO be implemented as, on balance,

benefits of the scheme in terms of safety and sustainability outweigh the

concerns raised.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Considering the objections received, consideration was given to

recommending the retention of the parking spaces on Fulwood Service

Road. However, such a recommendation could result in many of the

benefits outlined in this report being lost such as improved air quality and

a more attractive environment for pedestrians. As a result of these

benefits being lost more visitors may travel by car, instead of more

sustainable modes, and therefore stay in the area for less time due to the

spaces being free for 20 minutes.




The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures on the consultation response to the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for the Broomhill Shopping Precinct, including the receipt of objections to the Order and the Council’s response.




Discussion took place around enforcement in the area and the officer explained that as this was a controlled parking zone there was a regular resource available although they were aware that enforcement was an issue.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


Approves that a Traffic Regulation Order be made so as to make permanent the

restrictions within the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, as advertised and

implemented, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Objectors

will then be informed of the decision by the Council’s Traffic Regulations team and

the order implemented on street.





Reasons for Decision




Before the intervention was implemented in August 2020, there were a

few issues with the public space at the Broomhill Shopping Precinct. Cars

were often queuing along the A57 to pull into the parking bays causing

congestion. Safety was also a concern insofar as cars were also reversing

out into the main road out of the parking bays and, in addition to this, there

were also issues around the narrow pavement adjacent to the parking

bays. This led to pedestrians often walking down the middle of the road.



Since the changes were implemented the air quality has improved, with

nitrogen dioxide levels decreasing by 14% in the area. If the changes

were made permanent, this would create an opportunity to enhance the

public realm in the area with the additional space (Appendix B). These

enhancements could lead to more people visiting Broomhill and staying

for longer.



The intervention is also a good strategic fit with the objectives within the

Visions and Aspirations for the BBEST Area 2021 such as:

Encourage economic activity and growth

Enhance the public realm

Improve the function of pedestrianised areas

Improve the environment (including air quality and noise) for



Having considered the response from the public and other consultees it is

recommended that the Broomhill ETRO be implemented as, on balance,

benefits of the scheme in terms of safety and sustainability outweigh the

concerns raised.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Considering the objections received, consideration was given to

recommending the retention of the parking spaces on Fulwood Service

Road. However, such a recommendation could result in many of the

benefits outlined in this report being lost such as improved air quality and

a more attractive environment for pedestrians. As a result of these

benefits being lost more visitors may travel by car, instead of more

sustainable modes, and therefore stay in the area for less time due to the

spaces being free for 20 minutes.


Supporting documents: