Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public at the meeting







Petition regarding the Provision of a Skate Park in Grenoside




The Assembly received a petition containing 165 signatures requesting a skate park in Grenoside.  Councillor Alf Meade expressed his support for the petition and a member of the public stated that the Grenoside Tenants’ and Residents’ Association might be able to help with raising funds.




RESOLVED: That the Northern Community Assembly agrees (a) to refer the petition to the Cabinet Member for Culture, Sport and Leisure and the appropriate Parks and Countryside officers; and (b) to discuss the petition at a future Members’ briefing meeting.




Public Questions




Responses were provided to public questions as follows:-




Closure of Newton Grange Residential Care Home




In relation to the proposal to replace the Newton Grange Residential Care Home with sheltered flats for the elderly, Christine O’Dell, Provider Services Team, explained that it was long term provision which was being considered and that her team had considerable experience of looking after staff and residents in the decommissioning process.  She added that her commissioning colleagues were best placed to answer the numerous questions which had been put and she would take these questions back to them and report to a future Assembly meeting.




Pat Niblett, Home Independence Service, indicated that discussions would take place as to what people wanted on the new development and that the way in which housing support needed to be restructured and appropriate social care models had been identified.  The only site available for any new building was Newton Grange and proposals would be prepared in conjunction with Sanctuary Housing Association.  She emphasised the commitment to continuing discussions and consultation and stated that a more modern model would be the outcome.




Supertram Link 2 Parking Issue at Malin Bridge




Simon Botterill, Team Manager, Traffic Management, stated that the Passenger Transport Executive had some available funding to investigate where to locate the tram stop and there would hopefully be some progress in this regard by the end of the year.




Speed Indication Devices




Andy McKie, Highways Officer, stated that all available data was to be considered and sites identified for the deployment of the Speed Indication Devices and Lisa Lyon, Community Assembly Manager, explained that the funding allocation for their rotation during 2012/13 was contained within the Highways Budget report which the Assembly would consider later in the meeting.




Flooding in Oughtibridge




The Community Assembly Manager would pass the question to the appropriate Council officer for attention.




Thorncliffe Project and Master Plan




Councillor Steve Wilson stated that he had met with the Community Assembly Manager and Director of Culture and Environment and was waiting to find out what users wanted from the project.  There would be full consultation with all stakeholders including the Community Assembly and Parish Council.  Marika Puglisi, Community Assembly Manager, added that the Assembly had approved an allocation of £5,000 towards the groups associated with the project and she would keep the questioner informed of any decisions.




Wheel Lane Meeting




The Chair, Councillor Garry Weatherall, indicated that the Highways report, to be considered later in the meeting, explained the current position regarding Wheel Lane. 




Assembly Small Highways Schemes 2011/12




Andy McKie, Highways Officer, explained that the majority of small highways schemes approved during 2011/12 had been finished, but the dropped kerbs at the Acorn crossroads had not been completed because of the link in this financial year with the Highways Private Finance Initiative.  He added that the order for the work had been placed one week ago.




Village Officers




Lisa Lyon, Community Assembly Manager, endorsed the questioner’s comments on the hard work and dedication of the two officers and the outcomes achieved.  She added that Lucy Atkins’ post was only part-time and would have ended in any case in August 2012, as it was funded by an East Peak Innovation Partnership grant.  At the present time, community development across the Assembly area was being evaluated and she would report back on the outcome in due course.  Marika Puglisi, Community Assembly Manager, added that officers were engaged in the process of looking at the needs of the Parish Councils.