Agenda item

Climate Decarbonisation Routemaps: Our Council and the way we travel

Report of the Executive Director City Futures



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director-City Futures briefing the committee on the Decarbonisation Routemaps and seeking approval of the chapters contained within Tranche 1 which include chapters covering the Introduction, Our Council, The Way We Travel.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:


Approves the chapters contained within the Tranche 1 Decarbonisation Routemap at appendix 1 to this report.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendation is the preferred option because it will allow progress to be made at pace and for plans to iterate over the coming years.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Creating a single plan covering all areas requiring decarbonisation was considered, but to enable officers to continue to deliver projects at the same time this approach was rejected. Creating a plan which takes us all the way to 2030 was considered but given the changing technology and current shortfall in funding of several billion pounds, it was considered that creating a live and agile document that could be easily updated and added to was preferable.






The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director-City Futures briefing the committee on the Decarbonisation Routemaps and seeking approval of the chapters contained within Tranche 1 which include chapters covering the Introduction, Our Council, The Way We Travel.


Members requested that a brief report be presented to the committee in the autumn to include any actions taken or planned for the current municipal year.



Officers reassured members that they were committed to delivering tranche 2 and tranche 3 of this project and that reports on these would be brought to the committee in a timely fashion.



Two amendments to the routemap document were agreed as follows;


·       p.38 remove the comparison to London and the Netherlands topology

·       All references to ‘accidents’ in the document to be replaced with ‘collisions’





RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:


Approves the chapters contained within the Tranche 1 Decarbonisation Routemap at appendix 1 to this report.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendation is the preferred option because it will allow progress to be made at pace and for plans to iterate over the coming years.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Creating a single plan covering all areas requiring decarbonisation was considered, but to enable officers to continue to deliver projects at the same time this approach was rejected. Creating a plan which takes us all the way to 2030 was considered but given the changing technology and current shortfall in funding of several billion pounds, it was considered that creating a live and agile document that could be easily updated and added to was preferable.




Supporting documents: