Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.



The Committee received the following question from a member of the public, prior to the meeting. 




Ivan Spiking




At the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee meeting held on 16th March 2023, reference agenda Item 9, a proposed Local and Neighbourhood Transport Programme report was presented to the committee and subsequently approved. One section of Item states that each LAC will have the opportunity to input to one additional pedestrian crossing facility in its’ area to progress in 23/24. Residents living in Castle Croft Drive and Barnes Court area have on several occasions spoken with local Councillors about the requirement for a safe pedestrian crossing point at the intersection of Shrewsbury Road, the tram tracks and Granville Street. Has this been discussed or can it be discussed by the East Local Area Committee as being a local priority with a view to having it considered for implementation in the upcoming financial year 23/24?

The Chair (Councillor Mary Lea) mentioned that the question had been passed onto the Council’s Highways Service for a response and that it would be provided to Mr Spiking once received. The Chair added that Mr Spiking had support from his three ward Councillors. 




The Committee received the following questions from a members of the public, in attendance at the meeting.




Kaseya Chisala




What had been done in regard to littering and fly-tipping in Darnall ward?


The Chair explained that ward Councillors had done multiple walk-abouts in Darnall and Tinsley to look at this issue and this work was still ongoing with action taken as necessary. Councillors were also considering piloting an Environmental Stewardship Scheme which will address environmental problems and deal with these. Also looking at what flexibility there may be in current contracts. We had funded a litter picking station and supported a litter picking group in Tinsley and happy to do the same with other volunteers. Some local residents had set up a WhatsApp group to report flytipping and encouraged others to do this through the ‘Fix my Streets App’ which had a direct link to the Council, or report to local Councillors. Funding had been allocated to deal with serious flytipping hot spots across the LAC and work was about to commence or  had already done so and that Cameras had been installed in one hot spot. Darnall Councillors had met with a local residential group regarding environmental issues. The Chair had also met with the Acorn Organisation (who were in attendance at the meeting) in Darnall on a few occasions, one issue coming out of this was that members of the group were going to look at the best position for litter bins as there were concerns about whether current locations were the best. Another meeting was to be arranged by the group  waiting to hear from them. The Chair mentioned she was happy to have another meeting with Acorn and she understood Councillor Naz had also been contacted by them.




Lisa Kirkup




Referred to the increase in illegal motorcycle use on City Road and mentioned that the Police had been involved in this. She asked if the LAC had anything to add on this issue.


Councillor Laura Moyanhan stated that Ward Councillors were aware of the increase and that they had a meeting with the Police to look at the issue of motorcycles, particularly around accessing open spaces such as Skye Edge Field. She mentioned that something they had discussed were introducing gates that would not allow motorcycles to pass through. She also mentioned that Police had been present in these areas using speed guns in which they had fined motor vehicle users for speeding.


Lisa Kirkup asked the Council to be aware of restricting access for pedestrians, if new gates were installed.