Agenda item

East Community Services Manager Presentation



The Community Services Manager, Huda Ahmed gave a presentation to the Local Area Committee. 




It was explained that there was 7 Local Area Committees (LAC) in Sheffield and that each LAC covered 4 different ward areas. The wards for the East LAC were as follows: -


·       Park & Arbourthorne

·       Darnall

·       Manor Castle

·       Richmond 




The Community Services Manager mentioned that a survey was completed as the LACs were being established and key priorities were identified: -


·       Environment

·       Community Safety & Crime

·       Community & Neighbourhoods

·       Children &Young People

·       Transport & Highways

·       Health & Wellbeing


Recently, a new survey was carried out and further information had been gathered around what citizens liked and what improvements they would like to see.


Under each theme, priorities were identified, which were shared to Members and attendees as part of the presentation. 




The Community Services Manager highlighted the work the East LAC had undertaken over the last year. This included setting up several working groups looking at different issues in the area. In addition, the East LAC were carrying out: -


Days of Action - in each ward, which have brought together Councillors, LAC Officers, Community Safety Wardens, Police, Environment Officers, Amey, Housing Officers  to tackle  fly tipping.


Road Shows - LAC bringing together Council Services and the Voluntary Sector to promote their services, answer questions and offer support to local people.


Residents / local public meetings/ NAGs (Neighbourhood Action Groups.


Communication, Gov/Dev, Facebook, blog, stakeholder meetings, local community meetings, our East LAC networks.  




It was mentioned that from the 2022/23 £100,000 budget, the LAC had funded 20 organisations. A breakdown of those funds were as follows: -


       Children and Young people - £50K, plus £10K from Youth Services

       Environment - £20K

       Communities and Neighborhoods - £20K

       Contingency - £10k




In addition, 74 projects were funded via the ward pots: -

       Darnall - £11, 909

       Richmond  - £8,956

       Manor Castle - £13, 264

       Park & Arbourthorne - £11, 825


9 projects funded via the Community infrastructure Levy (CIL).




The Community Services Manager outlined how they thought the East LAC was positively impacting the city so far, and then mentioned the work yet to come.




A member of the public asked if the themes identified could be broken down by ward.


The Community Services Manager agreed to follow this up with the member of public, after the meeting.




A member of the public asked what the issue related to in regard to Park Academy School, as outlined in the presentation.


The Community Services Manager explained that the Headteacher had contacted the LAC about anti-social behaviour occurring from students at the school and how this was impacting on the community. She mentioned that the Chair, along with officers had met with the School, as well as involving the Police to look at different ways to reduce this issue.


Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards added that Councillors had been litter picking with some of the students at the school.


Councillor Terry Fox declared a personal interest by virtue of him being a Governor at Park Academy School.




A member of the public stated that issues and impact of anti-social behavior and litter picking needed to be embedded into the students better.


Councillor Terry Fox added that Manor Action Group could take a deeper dive into these issues raised therefore thanked the members of public for raising these at the meeting.




A member of the public believed there was a lack of youth voice across some of the different LACs. Therefore, she asked how young people had been consulted in respect of determining the LAC priorities. She also referred to the lack of hate crime mentioned within the presentation.


The Chair mentioned that the Council had Youth Parliament Members present in some LAC meetings and have contributed to the priorities. They had also been given a grant to carry out some of the work they were looking into. The Chair mentioned that the following presentation would cover some of the issues relating to hate crime.


The Community Services Manager explained that she was also a voluntary hate crime lead in Sheffield and explained that they met quarterly to discuss issues relating to hate crime. She added that she could speak with the member of the public further on this issue.




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