Agenda item

Planning Application No. 23/00198/FUL - 45A Brooklands Avenue, Sheffield, S10 4GB



Councillor Alan Woodcock returned to the Chair.



A further representation, along with the officer’s response was included within the supplementary report circulated and summarised at the meeting.



The Officer presented the report which gave details of the application and highlighted the history of the site and the key issues in addition to presenting photographs of the site which were provided to committee members in advance of the meeting.



Councillor Sue Alston and John Hartley attended the meeting and spoke against the application.



James Hinchliffe and Susan Crowley attended the meeting and spoke in support of the application.



The Committee considered the report and recommendation having regard to the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and other relevant considerations as summarised in the report and supplementary report, now submitted.



Councillor Mike Chaplin moved that overdevelopment be added to the reason for refusal and Councillor Cliff Woodcraft seconded the motion.  The motion was passed by a show of hands.



RESOLVED:- That an application for approval of planning permission for the demolition of dwellinghouse, erection of four detached dwellinghouses including garages and one detached garage, associated landscaping and access improvements at 45A Brooklands Avenue, Sheffield, S10 4GB be REFUSED for the reasons set out in the report and the addition agreed at the meeting.



Following the decision, Councillor Alan Woodcock declared that he had a personal interest as detailed in Minute No. 3.2 above.


Supporting documents: