Agenda item

Planning Application No. 22/04490/FUL - Woodhouse Trinity Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Woodhouse, Sheffield, S13 7JL



A report omission, additional information and additional representations along with the officer response were included within the supplementary report circulated and summarised at the meeting.



The Officer presented the report which gave details of the application and highlighted the history of the site and the key issues in addition to presenting photographs of the site which were provided to committee members in advance of the meeting.



Laura Holland and Sue Howarth attended the meeting and spoke in support of the application.



The Committee considered the report and recommendation having regard to the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and other relevant considerations as summarised in the report and supplementary report, now submitted.



Following a discussion regarding the Grade 2 listing of the building and the proposed changes to the interior, Councillor Mike Chaplin moved that the development be refused with a note from the Committee that it would like to see the building redeveloped and restored with as many original features retained as possible.  The motion was seconded by Councillor Roger Davison and passed by a show of hands.



RESOLVED:- That an application for approval of planning permission for alterations to former church including provision of mezzanine floor and ramp to front to form 8 apartments with parking provision and a new vehicular access though the south western boundary wall (Amended Plans/Description) at Woodhouse Trinity Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Woodhouse, Sheffield, S13 7JL be REFUSED for the reasons set out in the report along with a note from the Committee that it would like to see the building redeveloped and restored with as many original features retained as possible.



Supporting documents: