Agenda item

Lease of Land at Millhouses Park, Sheffield

Report of the Executive Director, City Futures



This report seeks the approval by Finance Committee to grant a new lease of the Property on the terms set out in the Appendices to this report.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Committee approves the lease of the subject property to K S Yeardley F C B Ltd Pension Scheme on the terms set out in this report, subject to satisfactory due diligence checks being completed.




Reasons for Decision




Whilst the route to gaining agreement for this offer within the park has been convoluted and at times difficult, overall we believe the park offer to those people that use it is better with this second facility operating.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Council could choose not to grant a lease to the proposed tenant and they could be required to return the land in its original state (grassed area) to Sheffield City Council. This would result in a reduced offer to the people who visit Millhouses, with less variety of offer and less capacity during busy summer months.




The Head of Property Services and the Head of Parks and Countryside submitted a report seeking approval to grant a new lease over a rectangular area of land at Millhouses Park, Sheffield, adjacent to the Wagon and Horses Public House, on the terms set out in the Appendices to the report.




During consideration of this item of business, and in order for Members of the Committee to ask questions on Appendix 1 of the report, it was RESOLVED: That the public and press be excluded from the meeting and the webcast be paused before further discussion takes place on the grounds that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, if those persons were present, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as described in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.




The meeting was re-opened to the public and press, and the webcast was recommenced, prior to the decision being taken by the Committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Committee approves the lease of the subject property to K S Yeardley F C B Ltd Pension Scheme on the terms set out in this report, subject to satisfactory due diligence checks being completed.




Reasons for Decision




Whilst the route to gaining agreement for this offer within the park has been convoluted and at times difficult, overall we believe the park offer to those people that use it is better with this second facility operating.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Council could choose not to grant a lease to the proposed tenant and they could be required to return the land in its original state (grassed area) to Sheffield City Council. This would result in a reduced offer to the people who visit Millhouses, with less variety of offer and less capacity during busy summer months.


Supporting documents: