7.1 |
The Committee received a report of the Director of Policy & Democratic Engagement. The Head of Democratic and Member Services, Jason Dietsch presented the report to the Committee. He explained that the report was divided into 4 sections and Committee were being asked the following: -
1. Provide any comments on the existing Member Development Strategy 2021-25 and particularly any changes of emphasis or priority in the light of the implementation of the committee system and recent pieces of work, including the Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Review, the Race Equality Commission and the Street Tree Inquiry report.
2. Formally re-establish the Member Development Working Group, noting the proposed membership of the Group and to consider the draft terms of reference for the group and to request that the Group works on a programme of learning and development for Members, for the forthcoming year and reports back to Governance Committee.
3. Discuss and suggest any priorities for the 2023/24 Member Development Programme and areas which might be categorised as mandatory learning and development for elected members to complete.
4. Ask the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement to produce new role profiles and to work with the Member Development Working Group on the profiles which will then be submitted to the Governance Committee for its consideration.
7.2 |
Members of the Committee asked questions and made comments and the key points to note were: -
7.3 |
A Member of the Committee mentioned there was an officer previously that had responsibility, along with a budget to sorely oversee Member development. She wondered whether all the information gathered by this officer was retained and if it would be useful to get their views on this rather than starting again. She raised the importance that Member development be Member-led and also suggested that there be officer training parallel to Member development, focussing on the working relationships between Members and officers. The Member also wished to see ‘conflict resolution’ included in the strategy as Members often had challenging interactions with members of the public in meetings outside of the Town Hall.
The Head of Democratic and Member Services confirmed there was previously an officer that had oversight of Member development and that the information was retained within the Council. With the re-structure to Democratic Services, to support the new Committee System, provision had been put in place for an officer to again oversee Member development although he appreciated it was not to the capacity of the previous officer mentioned. He agreed that it was important for Member development to be Member-led and believed this would come through the working group. He mentioned there was officer training recently due to the transition to the new Committee System but agreed with the point relating to more training needed to be done around Member and officer working relationships.
7.4 |
A Member of the Committee referred to the programme for 2023/24 which set out the most recent and planned activity in the member development programme. She referred to the ‘Communications Team Workings’ for Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Spokespersons, and stated that as a Member currently in one of those roles she welcomed that training be provided earlier in the year. The Member also mentioned that a policy library would be useful for Members, especially new Members and members of the public being able to see what policies each portfolios were working towards.
The Head of Democratic and Member Services noted the point made regarding ‘Communication Team Workings’ and stated he would take away the point relating to a policy library.
The Director of Policy & Democratic Engagement explained that the ‘Communication Team Workings’ was part of his remit and agreed to look at bringing this session forward.
7.5 |
A Member of the Committee referred to the mention of the Race Equality Commission in the report. He believed that following the commission, the Council had agreed to be anti-racist, as recommended by the commission although was unaware of how this was progressing. He stated that he had been informed that conversations were happening at an officer level but had not received anything as a Member. Therefore, as part of the Member Development working group, this needed to be captured and ensure the Council was delivering as it agreed.
The Head of Democratic and Member Services stated that he would work with Equalities officers within the Council on this piece of work and ensure it was fed not the working group.
The Director of Policy & Democratic Engagement mentioned there was a report to be taken to Strategy & Resources Policy Committee which would set out the progress made, since the Council’s initial response to the Race Equality Commission report. He added that Member development and Member roles was a key part of that and confirmed that would be included In the report going to Strategy & Resources Policy Committee.
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A Member of the Committee mentioned how he recently asked how many Members had undertaken Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training at a Full Council meeting, as recommend by the Race Equality Commission. He explained that the data was unable to be provided, and then when asked the same question again at a future meeting, data showed that half of members had completed it. He raised the importance of Members embracing their position on being anti-racist.
7.7 |
A Member of the Committee referred to recent Member training session. She stated that the sessions were useful although raised the difficulty in attending due to work commitments. She added that if she had been given the programme of training earlier then it would have been easier to make arrangements with work so she could attend more sessions.
7.8 |
A Member of the Committee raised the importance of reducing those barriers discouraging people to becoming a Councillor. Also reducing those barriers for working Members being able to access training and development sessions. He also welcomed guidance on how the Council dealt with Members needing to be granted maternity, paternity or adoption leave. He also believed there would be an increase in completing mandatory training, if members of the public could view whether Members had completed certain training modules or not.
The Head of Democratic and Member Services explained there was a guidance document relating maternity, paternity and adoption leave which was produced with the group Whips although this may need to be reviewed again. He added that attendance statistics for Members could also be looked at again. He stated that mandating training could be something for the working group to consider as this will be part of their remit.
7.9 |
A Member of the Committee asked whether any specific Committee training had been carried out. She also raised the importance of advising Members how certain training would benefit them. Also, to consult with as many Members as possible, including the Conservative and Independent Members. She also stated how we needed to be careful if mandating training as there was no legal sanction, excluding training which was a legal requirement and also to take into account training that Members may have undertaken outside of the Council.
The Head of Democratic and Member Services stated that he would look into specific Committee training for Members. He added that a role of the working group would be to provide that link between other group Members.
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A Member of the Committee raised the importance of Chair and Deputy Chair training, as a Chair of a Committee this would have been welcomed before having to Chair meetings. He also mentioned the quality of training sessions and ensuring Members got what was expected from the sessions.
7.11 |
RESOLVED: That the Governance Committee;
(1) provides any comments on the existing Member Development Strategy 2021-25 and particularly any changes of emphasis or priority in the light of the implementation of the committee system and recent pieces of work, including the Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Review, the Race Equality Commission and the Street Tree Inquiry report;
(2) formally re-establish’s the Member Development Working Group, noting the proposed membership of the Group and to consider the draft terms of reference for the group and to request that the Group works on a programme of learning and development for Members, for the forthcoming year and reports back to Governance Committee;
(3) discusses and suggests any priorities for the 2023/24 Member Development Programme and areas which might be categorised as mandatory learning and development for elected members to complete; and
(4) asks the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement to produce new role profiles and to work with the Member Development Working Group on the profiles which will then be submitted to the Governance Committee for its consideration.
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