Agenda item

Clean Air Zone Update – 6 month review

Report of the Executive Director – City Futures


Report to follow



The committee considered a report of the Executive Director City Futures that provided an early stage review of the Sheffield Clean Air Plan including an overview and a summary of the findings.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


       Acknowledges the significant improvement in the fleet upgrades across Sheffield in response to the CAZ to date and recognises the positive changes made by vehicle owners in the city, and that further promotion of the Financial Assistance Scheme available from the Council is undertaken.

       Endorses the guiding principles and governance principles for the use of the surplus CAZ income generated set out in section 4.2.6.

       Receives a further report that sets out the approach to defining a Clean Air Investment Plan (CAIP), with a range of potential scheme and programme options that could be funded from forecast surplus CAZ income. The potential for other funds to complement and support delivery through the CAIP will also be considered.

       In response to the risks associated with the performance of bus retrofits

requests a further update when Government publish their review on this issue,

and in developing the Clean Air Investment Plan that officers should explore the potential to use CAF funding to support further upgrades to buses.

·       Endorses the continued liaison with HM Government for greater support to fund a cleaner bus fleet in Sheffield to mitigate impacts of their bus retrofit

programme on air quality in Sheffield, including through the ZEBRA 2 zero emission fund.




Reasons for Decision


To apprise Members of the progress made in improving the health of the city, the limitations of available data at this time, the vehicle compliance levels and the financial status of the Clean Air Zone scheme.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected






The committee considered a report of the Executive Director City Futures that provided an early stage review of the Sheffield Clean Air Plan including an overview and a summary of the findings.


Members asked questions covering the following points;


·       The lack of changes to traffic volume with the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and whether that was due to people using public transport instead. Officers explained that the vast majority of traffic entering the zone were cars and as they were not included in the CAZ restrictions the numbers had remained the same. People had not been discouraged from entering but the vehicles were becoming cleaner.

·       Given the delay in the bus retrofitting programme, had upgrades to the tram system been considered. It was noted that the trams were a zero emission fleet and an extension to the tram system was ideal, however would involve lengthy timescales that would not assist in meeting the clean air targets set out by the Government. Officers were working closely with bus operators to push for zero emission buses for Sheffield.

·       How many vehicles within the SCC fleet were compliant. The data was not available at the meeting but officers agreed to obtain the information and circulate to members.

·       Whether the Council paid the CAZ charges for non-compliant vehicles used by their contractors. Officers confirmed that this was not the case.

·       If the displacement of traffic caused by the bus gate was being monitored as residents had noted an increase in queueing traffic on match days. It was explained that, as cars are not affected by the CAZ it was unlikely that any match day traffic would be affected and therefore displaced in this way.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


       Acknowledges the significant improvement in the fleet upgrades across Sheffield in response to the CAZ to date and recognises the positive changes made by vehicle owners in the city, and that further promotion of the Financial Assistance Scheme available from the Council is undertaken.

       Endorses the guiding principles and governance principles for the use of the surplus CAZ income generated set out in section 4.2.6.

       Receives a further report that sets out the approach to defining a Clean Air Investment Plan (CAIP), with a range of potential scheme and programme options that could be funded from forecast surplus CAZ income. The potential for other funds to complement and support delivery through the CAIP will also be considered.

       In response to the risks associated with the performance of bus retrofits

requests a further update when Government publish their review on this issue,

and in developing the Clean Air Investment Plan that officers should explore the potential to use CAF funding to support further upgrades to buses.

·       Endorses the continued liaison with HM Government for greater support to fund a cleaner bus fleet in Sheffield to mitigate impacts of their bus retrofit

programme on air quality in Sheffield, including through the ZEBRA 2 zero emission fund.




Reasons for Decision


To apprise Members of the progress made in improving the health of the city, the limitations of available data at this time, the vehicle compliance levels and the financial status of the Clean Air Zone scheme.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Supporting documents: