To receive a verbal update at meeting.
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A presentation, a presentation (subsequently published with the agenda on the Council's website) entitled “Jessop Wing Maternity Services” was delivered by, from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Chris Morley (Chief Nurse), Angie Legge (Quality Director) and Laura Rumsey (Midwifery Director). The presentation updated Members on the Jessop Wing Maternity Improvement Programme and in particular how the Trust had addressed the previous “Inadequate” rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection.
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Members asked whether given the CQC inspection had highlighted that inadequate staffing levels had led to women being unsafe, whether it was ideal to be relying on Registered Nurses rather than midwives. They also asked how workforce improvements could be secured and sustained.
Laura Rumsey confirmed that Registered Nurses do not provide Midwifery care. They complement the service and can only be up to 10% of cover in the post-natal area (one per shift), and they work under the supervision of a midwife. This is a safe model of care.
Chris Morley added that workforce sustainability was challenging due to the national shortage of midwives, however recruitment into universities had been good this year, and there were national plans to train more midwives. Additionally, some international recruitment had taken place. Laura Rumsey advised that there was currently a shortage of 50, but 28 were joining the service in October and recruitment was ongoing. Fewer agency workers were being used.
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Members asked whether an improvement had been made in the number of complaints responded to within the agreed timescale. Angie Legge advised that this had been brought down in line with the rest of the Trust.
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Members also asked what proportion of staff were from BAME backgrounds and how many of these were in leadership positions. Laura Rumsey advised that widening midwifery training was something that was being worked on. They did not have precise figures but could confirm that at present there was nobody in senior position who was from a BAME background. A mentoring programme across all protected characteristics had been put in place to help to improve this situation.
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Members thanked the NHS representatives for the update and wished them luck with their continuing improvement work.
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RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:- (a) notes the Maternity Service Update; and (b) requests further figures regarding the proportion of complaints dealt with within the agreed timeline.
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It was agreed by Members of the Health Scrutiny Sub Committee to extend the meeting by 30 minutes |
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