Agenda item

Sports Improvements - Capital Projects Update

Report of Executive Director, Operational Services



The Service Manager for Physical Activity Sport and Health provided an update on the Sports Improvement Capital Project and projects currently being developed and delivered, including: Woodburn Road Football Facilities, Gordon Banks Sports Hub Pitch Refurbishment, Parson Cross Sports Hub Pavilion and Pitch Improvements, Parson Cross Sports Hub Cruyff Court, Osgathorpe Park Cruyff Court Feasibility, Playzones Consultation, Mather Road Sports Improvements Consultation, Tinsley Green Ball Court Resurfacing, Coleridge Road Pitch Improvements Consultation, Bents Green Playing Field, Totley Bents Recreation Ground Cricket Improvements and Wadsley Park Village Pitch Improvements.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-

1.     Note the contents of the report.

2.     Note that further updates and decisions (where required) on these projects will be taken to the appropriate Committee as required.


Reasons for Decision


Committee members to note the sport capital improvement projects currently in development and delivery.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


This is an update report.


Supporting documents: