Agenda item

Adult Working with People Delivery Plan



The Committee considered a report of the Operations Director which provided the approach to the CQC Assurance Theme 1, Working with People. 


The aim of the Delivery Plan was to ensure that there was a robust approach towards the three quality statements included in the theme which were, Assessing Needs, Supporting People to live Healthier Lives and Providing Equity in Experiences and Outcomes.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-



·       Endorses the Working with People Delivery Plan.

·       Requests that the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing provides the Committee with updates on progress against the Delivery Plan on a six-monthly basis, including updates made based on ongoing learning.




Reasons for Decision





An approved delivery plan gives a structured approach to delivery of the vision, outcomes and commitments set out in the overall strategy. It will also provide greater accountability and transparency of how we will do this.



Asking for regular updates and refreshes of the plan will keep the Committee, wider stakeholders, and the public the ability to hold the Council to account for progress and provide an additional mechanism to input to future development.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected







This is an update on previously endorsed delivery plan in line with recommendations approved at Committee. No alternatives options are available due to this.





The Committee considered a report of the Operations Director which provided the approach to the CQC Assurance Theme 1, Working with People. 


The aim of the Delivery Plan was to ensure that there was a robust approach towards the three quality statements included in the theme which were, Assessing Needs, Supporting People to live Healthier Lives and Providing Equity in Experiences and Outcomes.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-



·       Endorses the Working with People Delivery Plan.

·       Requests that the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing provides the Committee with updates on progress against the Delivery Plan on a six-monthly basis, including updates made based on ongoing learning.




Reasons for Decision





An approved delivery plan gives a structured approach to delivery of the vision, outcomes and commitments set out in the overall strategy. It will also provide greater accountability and transparency of how we will do this.



Asking for regular updates and refreshes of the plan will keep the Committee, wider stakeholders, and the public the ability to hold the Council to account for progress and provide an additional mechanism to input to future development.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected







This is an update on previously endorsed delivery plan in line with recommendations approved at Committee. No alternatives options are available due to this.



Supporting documents: