Agenda item

Adult Health and Social Care: Financial Recovery Plan Update











The Committee considered a report of the Strategy and Planning Officer which provided an update on the financial recovery plan for 2023/24, an update regarding in-year changes to grant funding, an analysis of changes in demand over the previous 4 years, proposals for use of the Market Sustainability and Improvement Funding, and update on delivery against the care governance strategy and use of the resources delivery plan and a recap on budget planning for 2024/25.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-


1. Note the update to the financial forecast for the delivery of savings in 2023/24


2. Note ongoing actions to mitigate pressures, with specific regard to reviews and enablement.


3. Approve use of Market Improvement and Sustainability Funding (MSIF) Grant


4. Request updates on progress with implementation through our Budget Delivery Reports to future Committee.


14.3    Reasons for Decision


These recommendations are made to support strategic planning and operational decisions that are necessary for the long-term sustainability of Adult Social Care and the long-term benefit of people in Sheffield.


14.4    Alternatives Considered and Rejected


          Not applicable – no decision or change is being proposed.


Supporting documents: