Agenda item

Sheffield Physical Health Strategy for People Living with Severe Mental Illness, People with Learning Disabilities, and Autistic People (2023-2028)



The Committee considered a report of the Head of Commissioning (MHLDA) which sought approval of the Sheffield All Age Physical Health Strategy for People Living with Severe Mental Illness, People with Learning Disabilities, and Autistic People.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-



-       Approves and adopts the jointly developed and refreshed Sheffield Physical Health Strategy for People Living with Severe Mental Illness, People with Learning Disabilities, and Autistic People.

-       Requests that the Strategic Director Adult Care and Wellbeing provide annual updates as to implementation of the Strategy to Committee.




Reasons for Decision















People living with severe mental illness, people with learning disabilities and autistic people face inequities in terms of physical health and disparity in health outcomes. For too many people this means living for many years with a long term physical health condition and with reduced quality of life, as well as on average a dramatically reduced life expectancy.


Our shared vision for Sheffield is people of all ages with severe mental illness, people with a learning disability and people who are autistic will live longer and healthier lives because of improvements in their physical health and reduction (or early identification) of avoidable physical illness.


Endorsement of the strategy will help NHS organisations, Sheffield City Council, and community and voluntary sector partners to work together to achieve this vision.





Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do nothing: It would be possible not to update the strategy for this area – but it would mean any plans would lack focus, coherence, and public accountability.



Supporting documents: