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The report, which provided a short summary of the outputs from the “Collaborating for Health”, conference, which had been supported by the Board, was presented by Helen Steers of Voluntary Action Sheffield.
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The conference had brought together a number of organisations to promote collaborative working with people at its centre. Greg Fell advised that this was likely to form a core feature of the next Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Also he felt there should be greater communication promoting existing physical assets.
Judy Robinson of Healthwatch stated that conference speakers had emphasised that it was political commitment which enabled change to happen.
Alexis Chappell advised of the importance of tying this work in with the new Physical Health Strategy.
The Chair (Councillor Angela Argenzio) added that it was important that the Council be an enabler rather than gatekeepers, in particularly regarding financial resources, in order to tackle health inequalities in the city.
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Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board
(a) Notes the update on the conference event; and (b) Agrees to receive a fully developed proposition at a future meeting.
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