Agenda item

Period Equity and Menopause Awareness Charter

Report of Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement



The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement submitted a report seeking approval for the Council’s Period Equity and Menopause Awareness Charter.  It explains the background to and development of the charter and asks for the committee’s support in taking forward the commitments set out in the charter.


The comments made in the public questions item earlier in the meeting in respect of the Charter were noted and it was recognised that the Charter presented was a draft and that the consultation on the matter was still open.  There is therefore still an opportunity for changes to be made to the Charter, which can be made by the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee.




RESOLVED: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a)  adopts the draft Sheffield City Council Period Equity and Menopause Awareness Charter (draft charter at appendix 1);


(b) agrees that further work should be undertaken to identify a sustainable approach to funding the provision of free menstrual products in Sheffield City Council buildings that are accessible to customers;


(c) recognises and thanks the partners, organisations and individuals who have contributed to the development of the charter over the last 18 months (list of partners at appendix 2); and


(d) notes that Sheffield has a strong tradition of partnership activism to address matters of period equity and that the city council recognises and wishes to contribute to this work.




Reasons for Decision




In adopting the Period Equity and Menopause Charter, the Council will take a significant step forward in its commitment to improving the lives of women and girls in the city, as well as clearly setting out our commitments to women in the workplace. The Charter actively supports the achievement of the Council’s new Equality Objectives which are aligned to the Council Plan commitments.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




This is a project that came from a resolution passed by Council on 2nd November 2022, and the Charter has been created in partnership with other organisations in the city, supported by Sheffield City Council. Due to the fact that this ask for a Charter was from a resolution that was passed we have not considered a ‘do nothing’ option.




(NOTE: The result of the vote on the resolution was FOR - 10 Members; AGAINST - 0 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 2 Members.




The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement submitted a report seeking approval for the Council’s Period Equity and Menopause Awareness Charter.  It explains the background to and development of the charter and asks for the committee’s support in taking forward the commitments set out in the charter.


The comments made in the public questions item earlier in the meeting in respect of the Charter were noted and it was recognised that the Charter presented was a draft and that the consultation on the matter was still open.  There is therefore still an opportunity for changes to be made to the Charter, which can be made by the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee.




RESOLVED: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a)  adopts the draft Sheffield City Council Period Equity and Menopause Awareness Charter (draft charter at appendix 1);


(b) agrees that further work should be undertaken to identify a sustainable approach to funding the provision of free menstrual products in Sheffield City Council buildings that are accessible to customers;


(c) recognises and thanks the partners, organisations and individuals who have contributed to the development of the charter over the last 18 months (list of partners at appendix2); and


(d) notes that Sheffield has a strong tradition of partnership activism to address matters of period equity and that the city council recognises and wishes to contribute to this work.




Reasons for Decision




In adopting the Period Equity and Menopause Charter, the Council will take a significant step forward in its commitment to improving the lives of women and girls in the city, as well as clearly setting out our commitments to women in the workplace. The Charter actively supports the achievement of the Council’s new Equality Objectives which are aligned to the Council Plan commitments.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




This is a project that came from a resolution passed by Council on 2nd November 2022, and the Charter has been created in partnership with other organisations in the city, supported by Sheffield City Council. Due to the fact that this ask for a Charter was from a resolution that was passed we have not considered a ‘do nothing’ option.




(NOTE: The result of the vote on the resolution was FOR - 10 Members; AGAINST - 0 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 2 Members.


Supporting documents: