The live webcast to be paused to allow public participation in this interactive session.
5.1 |
Zahra Robinson, a member of Sheffield Youth Cabinet representing South West Sheffield, and Year 11 student, gave some background to the theme of ‘Youth Voice’. She explained that young people had a unique but commonly overlooked point of view on society. She stated that, given a voice, they could help to bring about change to set young people up for the future, both locally and city-wide. She noted how her, and other young peoples’ experiences could foster a sense of citizenship, and help them to feel like an equal part of society. Encouraging young people to be part of political discussions enabled them to feel valued, and feel that they were contributing to broader society. She gave an example of a youth consultation on Action for Smoking and Health and Smoke Free Sheffield, where resources had been created for parents, teachers and carers of young people about the risks of vaping. Having youth voice influencing decision making helped to accurately reflect their views and give them the opportunity to voice opinions on relevant policies. |
5.2 |
The Committee went into a breakout session, during which the members of the public in attendance were given the opportunity to join an engagement session on ‘Youth Voice’. |
5.3 |
Diana Buckley, Director of Economy, Skills and Culture, gave an update on behalf of Sheffield City Partnership Board, which was a group of representatives from the voluntary sector, universities and businesses that came together to work on city issues. A current project was underway called ‘City Goals’, which looked at the long term vision of the city, and how it might look in 2035. Community engagement had been carried out across the city, including an online survey, and workshops with the voluntary sector, business and youth teams. Some of the data and survey findings were available for viewing at the close of the meeting, and views were welcomed. |