Agenda item

Winter Plan Proposals



A presentation, which had been published as a supplement on the Council website, was introduced by Kate Gleave (Deputy Director Children and Young People and Urgent Care, South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board), Ian Atkinson (Deputy Place Director Sheffield, SYICB), Michael Harper (Chief Operating Officer Sheffield Teaching Hospitals) and Greg Hackney (Senior Head of Service and Deputy to the Director of Operations, Sheffield Health and Social Care).


The presentation gave a summary of the Sheffield Urgent and Emergency Care Winter Plan for 2023/24.



In response to questions raised by Members, the following information was provided:

·       The capacity of the Virtual Ward was being increased over winter, it would then be evaluated, and consideration would be given as to whether the funding should be extended longer term.

·       The mental health measures were ongoing investment, which would continue beyond winter.

·       The extra service being located at Darnall should not have any adverse effect on patients there or on existing services.

·       The Yorkshire Ambulance Service Mental Health Emergency Response Vehicle was a different service to one which was still being run by the Police. Work was being done to see if these services could be brought together.  The aim was to support people in the Community, so they did not have to attend A&E.

·       Data would be collected on the demographics of who was accessing the service.

·       Work would be done to communicate to the public what winter services were available.  Members suggested that this information should be standardised on GP websites where possible.

·       The milestone regarding patients needing support from Health and Social Care to go home from hospitals without delay, was achieved partially by the Joint Discharge Plan work being done with the Council and also by the 38-hour capacity of home care hours as part of the Winter Plan.



Members asked with regards to infection control, how the learning gained in the Covid pandemic had been taken forward.  Michael Harper advised that Sheffield Teaching Hospitals had set up a tiered system of monitoring for Covid which involved bringing in certain measures such as mask wearing. This was intended to be consistent across South Yorkshire. Greg Hackney advised that an engagement plan to make infection control measures more visible to the public was being put together by Health and Social Care as it was their top priority.



Members also asked whether staff were still required to test for Covid.  Mike Harper stated that this was not compulsory and if staff felt well they were able to attend work.  Different levels of testing would be stepped up if infections rates rise.  Currently it was up to individual trusts to decide.



RESOLVED: That the Sub Committee notes the update.




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