Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions



Martin Lawton attended the Committee meeting and asked the following questions which were responded to by the Chair:


Q: What plans have been made to install electric car charging points for Council own flats and maisonettes?  If none, when will action be taken to install charging points for those tenants?


A: The Chair gave a response which included points around the issue being live and highlighted that those types of questions are more frequently received at the Transport Committee. It was also stated that there had been numerous discussions in transport planning circles. It was explained that within the Housing service requests were taken on an individual basis and that is how people can ask for permission to adapt and change their property for installations. Costings were also highlighted, and it was reiterated that requests are reviewed on merits and suitability. It was also highlighted that logistical complexes of charging points vary with different types of properties.


The Chair stated that other questions had been submitted by Matthew Smith and that written responses had been sent out.