Agenda item

Update and Next Steps on the Race Equality Commission Recommendations pertaining to Children's Services

Report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services
































The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services which showed steps taken to implement the Race Equality Commission’s recommendations. The report and presentation comprised of the following key elements:


-       Links to the Corporate Strategy

-       How Children’s Services was collaborating with each other, internal services and external partner organisations (such as Education Settings) to deliver to the recommendations of the Race Equality Commission)


Members asked that an amendment to the recommendations be made, as follows:


‘twice-quarterly’ rather than ‘twice yearly’



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Education, Children and Families Policy Committee: -


1.    note the progress made, as set out in the presentation to the Committee, and to comment on the direction of travel.

2.    agree to receive a twice-quarterly update on the progress made around the recommendations from the Race Equality Commission report


Reasons for Decision


To keep this important agenda alive and make it a city-wide pursuit.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Not Applicable


































The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services which showed steps taken to implement the Race Equality Commission’s recommendations. The report and presentation comprised of the following key elements:


-       Links to the Corporate Strategy

-       How Children’s Services was collaborating with each other, internal services and external partner organisations (such as Education Settings) to deliver to the recommendations of the Race Equality Commission)


Members asked that an amendment to the recommendations be made, as follows:


‘twice-quarterly’ rather than ‘twice yearly’



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Education, Children and Families Policy Committee: -


1.    note the progress made, as set out in the presentation to the Committee, and to comment on the direction of travel.

2.    agree to receive a twice-quarterly update on the progress made around the recommendations from the Race Equality Commission report


Reasons for Decision


To keep this important agenda alive and make it a city-wide pursuit.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Not Applicable



Supporting documents: