Agenda item

Attercliffe Levelling Up Programme Update

Report of the Executive Director City Futures



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures that provided a progress update on the successful Round 1 Levelling Up Fund bid for Attercliffe.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Note the progress made on the Attercliffe LUF project





Reasons for Decision


To ensure that the latest information is available and to provide an update on progress with the report.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Do nothing

Not changing the procurement route for the CCHT would mean that the project couldn’t be delivered. Not changing the governance arrangements would not improve coordination and involvement


Do More

To do more would require an increase in funding. This is not currently required to deliver the required LUF output


Chosen Option

The options in the report represent the best way of delivering the contracted LUF outputs





The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures that provided a progress update on the successful Round 1 Levelling Up Fund bid for Attercliffe.




The Service Manager – City Regeneration and Major Projects outlined three projects included in the bid and significant milestones. The committee was informed that an Attercliffe Area Board had been created to provide a collaborative forum for the work.




Members raised concerns about the amount of illegal parking in the Attercliffe area and how this may impact on any upgrade work carried out to pavements. Officers agreed to discuss this further and noted that the planned transport improvements should help with this issue.




The committee discussed the timescales involved for this key project with regard to the funding deadlines but were assured that the Levelling Up Fund deadlines had been extended. Officers were confident that the scheme would be delivered within the revised timescale.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Note the progress made on the Attercliffe LUF project





Reasons for Decision


To ensure that the latest information is available and to provide an update on progress with the report.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Do nothing

Not changing the procurement route for the CCHT would mean that the project couldn’t be delivered. Not changing the governance arrangements would not improve coordination and involvement


Do More

To do more would require an increase in funding. This is not currently required to deliver the required LUF output


Chosen Option

The options in the report represent the best way of delivering the contracted LUF outputs


Supporting documents: